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    Welcome to the home page for Unit 540. Event Locations

The purpose is to keep any and all bridge players in San Luis Obispo County informed about what's happening and where, to provide a guide for any travelers passing through our small piece of heaven to any of the many games and great hospitality our area is so famous for, and lastly just 'cause it needed to be done!

    Please enjoy! 

The Rank Advancement Brochure is available on 'the Board' page Current List click here.
The brochure lists all of those who have achieved the next ACBL rank.  For those on their way to becoming Life Masters, we acknowledge your perseverance and determination to improve your player skills.  For those who are already at the Life Master level and are reaching beyond, we applaud your continued growth and encourage you to share your expertise.  Our unit is stronger for your efforts.  

Thanks for supporting our games and our educational efforts.  We look forward to seeing your achievement in the coming years.  

All games at all clubs in Unit 540 are cancelled through March.
For additional information contact... you can contact the Unit President or direct them to the president or club manager for each club.

There will be additional information posted here as it becomes available.




For current games and times, or results, click the Calendar Link below. 

February Calendar        March Calendar          

All past or future calendars (with results) may be accessed on "the Games" page.

Past Sectional and special games results may be accessed on "the Results" page.

     1. SLO DBC Mondays at 11:30 a.m. - Bill Ringbom offers half-hour lessons on a variety of topics for advanced beginners and intermediate-level players.  

     2. SLO DBC 2nd Wednesdays at 5:30p.m. - Pizza and special game - Bill Ringbom offers half-hour lessons on a variety of topics and strategies for beginners.

Five Cities:
     1. Five Cities DBC Thursdays at 11:45 a.m. - Barbara Weiss offers half-hour lessons on a variety of topics for advanced beginners and intermediate-level players.

    2.  Five Cities Bridge Basics offers lessons and games for beginners/advanced beginners Wednesday afternoons.  Contact Jim Solomon at LSJU63@gmail.com or (805) 305-6086 for information. 

Paso Robles:

Morro Bay Charity:





SLO (Monday 12:30 & Friday 12:30):

Please be certain to email Don Alderman directly for all partnership requests for SLO.  He gets your email immediately on his "smart phone."

Contact Don    dald10@charter.net

He has the group email on his phone and can send your partnership request out immediately.  This could be especially beneficial if it is "last minute."

When you need a partner and see the group email partner request, if you click on reply or the reverse arrow, no one will see your reply.  You must compose a new email or just call the requestor.

The body of the email needs to include how you wish to be contacted (email, phone, telegraph).  It is desirable to add your mp total or special conventions you like to play.  That way Don merely copies and pastes this information into the group email partner request.

Please do not omit the contact info so that Don does not have to hunt for that information in a previous email or find your email in the sender's email drop down.  It wastes his time and he may have to send you an email asking for more information, thus causing delay.

SLO (Wednesday 6:15pm):

Any Wednesday SLO Club partnership requests need to go to Jan Zinner:  JZNipomo@gmail.com

Five Cities Duplicate Bridge Club (Thursdays 12:30):

Partnership requests for the Thursday afternoon Five Cities DBC game need to go to Jim Solomon at LSJU63@gmail.com

Make sure your request includes all of the following:
your name
your e-mail address
your phone number
the date of the game for which you're seeking a partner
which section (open or 149er) you want to play in
your current masterpoint total
the system(s) you play (Standard American, 2/1, etc.)
the major conventions you play

Five Cities Bridge Basics Lessons and Games (Wednesdays 12:30):

Partnership requests for the lessons and games of Wednesday afternoon Five Cities Bridge Basics need to go to Jim Solomon at LSJU63@gmail.com

Make sure your request includes all of the following:
your name
your e-mail address
your phone number
the date of the game for which you're seeking a partner
which section (99er or Newcomer) you want to play in

Paso Robles (Monday 12:40 & Thursday 12:40):

Any PRDB Club partnership requests need to go to  Carolyn Bell (805/238-0337) no e-mail

Morro Bay Charity (Tuesday 12:30):

Any MB Charity Club partnership requests need to go to Ginny Randall ginny.randall@charter.net or 805-534-9726

Blacklake (Tuesday 6:15 & 2nd & 4th Sundays 1:00pm):

Any BLDB Club partnership requests need to go to Jan Zinner:  JZNipomo@gmail.com

Monthly Unit (2nd Saturday 12:30):

Any Unit Game partnership requests need to go to Jim Solomon  email


Our Monthly Unit game is the 2nd Saturday of each month. The next unit game will be on March 14th at 12:30pm at SLO Senior Center.

Monthly District 22 Electronic Forum link

Profile section:
Latest player profile:  

Unit master point leaders:  

The Ace of clubs list shows our unit members winning the most master points in our local clubs.
Ace of Clubs      2030  2029  2028  2027  2026  2025  2024  2023  2022  2021 
Ace of Clubs 
     2020  2019  2018  2017  2016  2015  2014  2013  2012  2011 
Ace of Clubs      2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  

The Mini-McKenney list shows our unit members winning the most master points anywhere.
Mini-McKinney  2030  2029  2028  2027  2026  2025  2024  2023  2022  2021 
2020  2019  2018  2017  2016  2015  2014  2013  2012  2011
McKinney  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006 

Pictures: 2019 ACE of Clubs  2019 Mini-Mckinney

Other news:

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The content reflects the opinions of the Unit, not ACBL n or District 22. 
For problems or questions regarding this web contact Bill.
Last updated: March 14, 2020.