EVENT>Stratified Open Pairs |SESSION>Wednesday Aft|SECTION> A N-S ------------------------,------ ------------,-------- -------------------------- DATE>April 6, 2016 |CLUB NO.>215665 | 04/06/2016 16:09 ---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--------------------- DIR> Jim Parks |RATING>Charity Club Championship |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL ------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- --------------------- AVE> 84.0 |TOP> 6 |MP LIMITS>None/1250/200 |CLUB>Morro Bay Charity Bridge ------------ --------- ------------------------- ------------------------------- PAIRS IN STRAT A=8/B=5/C=1 ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------, -------------------------------------------------| | Overall | Section | |Final | No Name Name |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct |Awards | ------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 1 Heidi Karriker David Gillette B . 3 . | . 2 . 80.47 47.90 0.71(OB) 2 Louise Wang Judy Holland A 3 . . | 2 . . 99.04 58.95 1.48(OA) 3 Doris Murfee Von Barge Lieselotte Stockmann C . . . | . . . 57.35 34.14 4 Richard Stacy Carol Raimondo B . 2 . | 3 1 . 85.41 50.84 0.95(OB) 5 Monique Levy Ed Schertz B . . . | . . . 73.75 43.90 7 Lynn Crawford Anita Williamson B . . . | . . . 77.01 45.84 8 Gary Arthurs Gail Lapins A 1 . . | 1 . . 117.70 70.06 2.63(OA) Totals 590.73 EVENT>Stratified Open Pairs |SESSION>Wednesday Aft|SECTION> A E-W ------------------------,------ ------------,-------- -------------------------- DATE>April 6, 2016 |CLUB NO.>215665 | 04/06/2016 16:09 ---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,--------------------- DIR> Jim Parks |RATING>Charity Club Championship |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL ------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- --------------------- AVE> 84.0 |TOP> 6 |MP LIMITS>None/1250/200 |CLUB>Morro Bay Charity Bridge ------------ --------- ------------------------- ------------------------------- PAIRS IN STRAT A=8/B=4/C=2 ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------, -------------------------------------------------| | Overall | Section | |Final | No Name Name |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct |Awards | ------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- 1 Judy Obermeier David Brown B . 4 . | . 2 . 78.84 46.93 0.53(OB) 2 Jim Merzon Pat Moore A . . . | . . . 85.14 50.68 3 Marvin Segar Vandy Lesefko C . . . | . . . 69.94 41.63 4 Jim Solomon Audrey Moore A . . . | . . . 81.44 48.48 5 Bill Woodson Cass Schwartz B 2 1 . | 1 1 . 101.16 60.21 1.97(OA) 6 Grant Morgan Sue Morgan A 4 . . | 2 . . 92.38 54.99 1.11(OA) 7 Harold Yelton Rosemarie Cunningham C . . . | . . . 74.35 44.26 8 Bruce Johnson Bob Sendall A 5 . . | 3 . . 89.30 53.15 0.83(OA) Totals 672.55 RESULTS OF BOARD 1 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 100 1.25 4.75 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 1-Obermeier-Brown 50 3.58 2.42 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 4-Solomon-Moore 50 2.42 3.58 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 6-Morgan-Morgan 150 0.08 5.92 5-Levy-Schertz vs 8-Johnson-Sendall 110 5.33 0.67 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 5-Woodson-Schwartz 110 5.33 0.67 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 2 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 660 4.75 1.25 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 1-Obermeier-Brown 600 0.08 5.92 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 4-Solomon-Moore 620 1.83 4.17 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 6-Morgan-Morgan 630 3.58 2.42 5-Levy-Schertz vs 8-Johnson-Sendall 620 1.83 4.17 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 5-Woodson-Schwartz 690 5.92 0.08 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 3 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 520 5.92 0.08 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 1-Obermeier-Brown 510 3.00 3.00 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 4-Solomon-Moore 170 0.08 5.92 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 6-Morgan-Morgan 510 3.00 3.00 5-Levy-Schertz vs 8-Johnson-Sendall 510 3.00 3.00 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 5-Woodson-Schwartz 510 3.00 3.00 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 4 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 600 5.80 0.20 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 1-Obermeier-Brown 300 4.40 1.60 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 6-Morgan-Morgan 100 0.20 5.80 5-Levy-Schertz vs 8-Johnson-Sendall 170 1.60 4.40 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 5-Woodson-Schwartz 210 3.00 3.00 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 5 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 490 0.08 5.92 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 8-Johnson-Sendall 430 3.00 3.00 2-Wang-Holland vs 2-Merzon-Moore 430 3.00 3.00 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 5-Woodson-Schwartz 430 3.00 3.00 5-Levy-Schertz vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham 100 5.92 0.08 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 4-Solomon-Moore 430 3.00 3.00 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 6-Morgan-Morgan ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 6 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 480 1.83 4.17 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 8-Johnson-Sendall 980 5.92 0.08 2-Wang-Holland vs 2-Merzon-Moore 300 0.08 5.92 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 5-Woodson-Schwartz 480 1.83 4.17 5-Levy-Schertz vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham 510 4.17 1.83 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 4-Solomon-Moore 510 4.17 1.83 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 6-Morgan-Morgan ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 7 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 630 0.90 5.10 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 8-Johnson-Sendall 150 4.40 1.60 2-Wang-Holland vs 2-Merzon-Moore 600 3.00 3.00 5-Levy-Schertz vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham 630 0.90 5.10 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 4-Solomon-Moore 100 5.80 0.20 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 6-Morgan-Morgan ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 8 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 50 2.30 3.70 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 8-Johnson-Sendall 50 2.30 3.70 2-Wang-Holland vs 2-Merzon-Moore 110 5.80 0.20 5-Levy-Schertz vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham 130 0.20 5.80 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 4-Solomon-Moore 50 4.40 1.60 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 6-Morgan-Morgan ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 9 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 50 0.67 5.33 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham 100 3.00 3.00 2-Wang-Holland vs 1-Obermeier-Brown 50 0.67 5.33 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 3-Segar-Lesefko 400 5.92 0.08 5-Levy-Schertz vs 6-Morgan-Morgan 110 4.75 1.25 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 2-Merzon-Moore 100 3.00 3.00 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 5-Woodson-Schwartz ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 10 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 130 4.75 1.25 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham 200 5.92 0.08 2-Wang-Holland vs 1-Obermeier-Brown 100 1.25 4.75 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 3-Segar-Lesefko 110 3.00 3.00 5-Levy-Schertz vs 6-Morgan-Morgan 110 3.00 3.00 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 2-Merzon-Moore 200 0.08 5.92 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 5-Woodson-Schwartz ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 11 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 50 2.42 3.58 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham 50 2.42 3.58 2-Wang-Holland vs 1-Obermeier-Brown 100 5.33 0.67 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 3-Segar-Lesefko 50 2.42 3.58 5-Levy-Schertz vs 6-Morgan-Morgan 140 0.08 5.92 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 2-Merzon-Moore 100 5.33 0.67 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 5-Woodson-Schwartz ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 12 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 680 3.88 2.13 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham 150 0.38 5.63 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 3-Segar-Lesefko 680 3.88 2.13 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 2-Merzon-Moore 680 3.88 2.13 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 5-Woodson-Schwartz ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 13 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 90 0.67 5.33 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 6-Morgan-Morgan 100 3.58 2.42 2-Wang-Holland vs 8-Johnson-Sendall 90 0.67 5.33 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 2-Merzon-Moore 100 3.58 2.42 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 4-Solomon-Moore 100 3.58 2.42 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 1-Obermeier-Brown 200 5.92 0.08 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 3-Segar-Lesefko ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 14 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 170 2.42 3.58 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 6-Morgan-Morgan 170 2.42 3.58 2-Wang-Holland vs 8-Johnson-Sendall 170 2.42 3.58 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 2-Merzon-Moore 140 4.75 1.25 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 4-Solomon-Moore 420 0.08 5.92 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 1-Obermeier-Brown 50 5.92 0.08 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 3-Segar-Lesefko ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 15 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 420 0.08 5.92 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 6-Morgan-Morgan 140 3.58 2.42 2-Wang-Holland vs 8-Johnson-Sendall 50 5.92 0.08 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 2-Merzon-Moore 140 3.58 2.42 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 4-Solomon-Moore 170 1.25 4.75 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 1-Obermeier-Brown 140 3.58 2.42 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 3-Segar-Lesefko ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 16 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 490 5.92 0.08 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 6-Morgan-Morgan 480 3.58 2.42 2-Wang-Holland vs 8-Johnson-Sendall 460 0.67 5.33 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 2-Merzon-Moore 460 0.67 5.33 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 4-Solomon-Moore 480 3.58 2.42 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 1-Obermeier-Brown 480 3.58 2.42 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 3-Segar-Lesefko ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 17 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 50 3.00 3.00 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 4-Solomon-Moore 110 5.00 1.00 2-Wang-Holland vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham 140 1.00 5.00 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 1-Obermeier-Brown 100 4.00 2.00 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 3-Segar-Lesefko 140 1.00 5.00 5-Levy-Schertz vs 5-Woodson-Schwartz 140 1.00 5.00 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 8-Johnson-Sendall 150 6.00 0.00 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 2-Merzon-Moore ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 18 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 500 0.00 6.00 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 4-Solomon-Moore 170 5.00 1.00 2-Wang-Holland vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham 450 1.50 4.50 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 1-Obermeier-Brown 50 6.00 0.00 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 3-Segar-Lesefko 420 3.50 2.50 5-Levy-Schertz vs 5-Woodson-Schwartz 450 1.50 4.50 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 8-Johnson-Sendall 420 3.50 2.50 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 2-Merzon-Moore ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 19 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 100 4.50 1.50 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 4-Solomon-Moore 100 1.50 4.50 2-Wang-Holland vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham 100 1.50 4.50 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 1-Obermeier-Brown 50 3.00 3.00 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 3-Segar-Lesefko 150 0.00 6.00 5-Levy-Schertz vs 5-Woodson-Schwartz 100 4.50 1.50 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 8-Johnson-Sendall 200 6.00 0.00 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 2-Merzon-Moore ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 20 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 620 0.20 5.80 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 4-Solomon-Moore 170 1.60 4.40 2-Wang-Holland vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham 120 3.00 3.00 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 1-Obermeier-Brown 200 5.80 0.20 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 3-Segar-Lesefko 100 4.40 1.60 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 2-Merzon-Moore ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 21 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 170 3.58 2.42 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 3-Segar-Lesefko 170 3.58 2.42 2-Wang-Holland vs 5-Woodson-Schwartz 140 1.25 4.75 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 8-Johnson-Sendall 100 0.08 5.92 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 2-Merzon-Moore 620 5.92 0.08 5-Levy-Schertz vs 4-Solomon-Moore 170 3.58 2.42 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 1-Obermeier-Brown ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 22 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 130 1.25 4.75 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 3-Segar-Lesefko 130 1.25 4.75 2-Wang-Holland vs 5-Woodson-Schwartz 100 5.92 0.08 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 8-Johnson-Sendall 110 4.17 1.83 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 2-Merzon-Moore 110 4.17 1.83 5-Levy-Schertz vs 4-Solomon-Moore 130 1.25 4.75 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 1-Obermeier-Brown ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 23 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 120 3.70 2.30 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 3-Segar-Lesefko 200 1.60 4.40 2-Wang-Holland vs 5-Woodson-Schwartz 120 3.70 2.30 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 8-Johnson-Sendall 300 0.20 5.80 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 2-Merzon-Moore 100 5.80 0.20 5-Levy-Schertz vs 4-Solomon-Moore ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 24 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 50 5.80 0.20 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 3-Segar-Lesefko 400 4.40 1.60 2-Wang-Holland vs 5-Woodson-Schwartz 430 3.00 3.00 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 8-Johnson-Sendall 460 0.90 5.10 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 2-Merzon-Moore 460 0.90 5.10 5-Levy-Schertz vs 4-Solomon-Moore ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 25 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 100 4.75 1.25 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 2-Merzon-Moore 200 5.92 0.08 2-Wang-Holland vs 4-Solomon-Moore 630 0.08 5.92 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 6-Morgan-Morgan 210 2.42 3.58 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 1-Obermeier-Brown 600 1.25 4.75 5-Levy-Schertz vs 3-Segar-Lesefko 120 3.58 2.42 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 26 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 650 3.58 2.42 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 2-Merzon-Moore 710 5.92 0.08 2-Wang-Holland vs 4-Solomon-Moore 620 1.25 4.75 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 6-Morgan-Morgan 680 4.75 1.25 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 1-Obermeier-Brown 620 1.25 4.75 5-Levy-Schertz vs 3-Segar-Lesefko 620 1.25 4.75 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 27 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W PASS 4.17 1.83 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 2-Merzon-Moore 100 1.25 4.75 2-Wang-Holland vs 4-Solomon-Moore 100 1.25 4.75 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 6-Morgan-Morgan 140 5.92 0.08 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 1-Obermeier-Brown 100 1.25 4.75 5-Levy-Schertz vs 3-Segar-Lesefko PASS 4.17 1.83 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 28 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 140 2.30 3.70 1-Karriker-Gillette vs 2-Merzon-Moore 170 0.20 5.80 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 6-Morgan-Morgan 110 4.40 1.60 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 1-Obermeier-Brown 200 5.80 0.20 5-Levy-Schertz vs 3-Segar-Lesefko 140 2.30 3.70 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 29 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 600 5.92 0.08 2-Wang-Holland vs 3-Segar-Lesefko 140 1.25 4.75 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 5-Woodson-Schwartz 130 4.75 1.25 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham 200 0.08 5.92 5-Levy-Schertz vs 2-Merzon-Moore 100 3.58 2.42 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 6-Morgan-Morgan 100 2.42 3.58 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 8-Johnson-Sendall ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 30 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 50 1.83 4.17 2-Wang-Holland vs 3-Segar-Lesefko 50 1.83 4.17 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 5-Woodson-Schwartz 50 1.83 4.17 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham 50 1.83 4.17 5-Levy-Schertz vs 2-Merzon-Moore 100 5.33 0.67 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 6-Morgan-Morgan 100 5.33 0.67 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 8-Johnson-Sendall ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 31 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 100 0.20 5.80 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 5-Woodson-Schwartz 650 5.10 0.90 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham 620 2.30 3.70 5-Levy-Schertz vs 2-Merzon-Moore 620 2.30 3.70 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 6-Morgan-Morgan 650 5.10 0.90 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 8-Johnson-Sendall ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 32 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 100 4.40 1.60 3-Von Bargen-Stockmann vs 5-Woodson-Schwartz 140 1.60 4.40 4-Stacy-Raimondo vs 7-Yelton-Cunningham 140 1.60 4.40 5-Levy-Schertz vs 2-Merzon-Moore 140 1.60 4.40 7-Crawford-Williamson vs 6-Morgan-Morgan 200 5.80 0.20 8-Arthurs-Lapins vs 8-Johnson-Sendall ----------------------------------------------------------------------