Please review your pair summary below, comparing it with your private score from this afternoon's game. If you find any discrepancies, please let Barbara or me ( know as soon as possible. It turns out that our dealing machine misdealt several boards today: o Boards 1-3 ended up being the same hands as boards 25-27; this problem was resolved by boards 1-3 being redealt after round 1. The pairs who played boards 1-3 in round 1 (pairs 1 N/S and 1 E/W) received a No Play for these boards (as did pair 5 N/S, at whose table pair 1 E/W sat in round 5). o Boards 4-6 ended up being the same hands as boards 28-30; this problem was resolved by boards 28-30 being redealt after round 1. Pair 10 E/W, who played boards 28-30 in round 1, encountered the same hands (as boards 4-6) in round 2 (against pair 1 N/S); they (10 E/W) received in round 2 the same scores that they achieved in round 1. o Of these 12 boards (1-6 and 25-30), two were further misdealt, with 14 cards' ending up in the South hand and 12 in the West hand. The same occurred with board 20, and this problem was resolved its being redealt during round 1. Pairs 7 N/S and 7 E/W, who had bid and played the misdealt board 20, received a No Play on this board. All of the other boards that you played (7-19 and 21-24) were dealt correctly by the dealing machine and correspond to the boards of those numbers in the hand records for today's game. Jim EVENT> Tuesday Afternoon Pairs |SESSION> Tuesday Aft |SECTION> A N-S ------------------------,------------------,------------------------------------------ DATE> November 6, 2012 |CLUB NO.> 215665 | 11/06/2012 20:25 ------------------,------------------------------------------------,------------------ DIR> Jim Solomon |RATING> Club Masterpoint (100%, 80%, 80% Open) |MOVEMENT> MITCHELL ------------,--------,--------------------------,------------------------------------- AVE> 108.0 |TOP> 8 |MP LIMITS> None/1500/NLM |CLUB> Morro Bay Charity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAIRS IN STRAT A=10/B=5/C=4 ,---,-----------------,-------,-------,---------, -------------------------------------------------| | Section | | | Section | No Name Name |Str|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct | Awards | ------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- --------- 1 James Merzon Floyd Redman A 4 . . 115.22 53.34 0.35(A) 2 Leda Fields William Donovan C 3 1 1 118.31 54.77 0.50(A) 3 Stephen Gryte Peggy Christianson C . 2 2 106.93 49.50 0.28(B) 4 Sheila Selker Mary Williams C . . . 79.04 36.59 5 Cass Schwartz Phyllis Beene A . . . 99.75 46.18 6 Carol Raimondo Louise Abbott C . . . 98.90 45.79 7 Judith Holland Stuart Baron B . . . 100.31 46.44 8 Patricia Macdonald Mary Neal A . . . 91.98 42.58 9 Barbara Hardin Torre Houlgate-West A 2 . . 119.29 55.23 0.70(A) 10 Gail Lapins Gary Arthurs A 1 . . 152.01 70.38 1.00(A) Totals 1081.74 **PAIRS** BOARD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 \/ 1> 5.93 7.86 3.36 0.79 0.79 3.36 5.93 NP ---- 50 100 -100 -450 -450 -100 50 NP 2> 2.88 2.88 0.06 2.88 2.88 6.25 7.94 6.25 NP ---- -420 -420 -430 -420 -420 -400 50 -400 3> 7.38 0.06 4.56 7.38 1.75 1.75 3.44 5.69 NP ---- 100 -690 -600 100 -680 -680 -650 -110 4> 8 7 1 1 4- 4- 3 1 6 630 180 ---- -660 -660 -600 -600 -620 -660 -150 5> 8 7 0 5 2- 2- 2- 2- 6 690 660 ---- -450 50 -420 -420 -420 -420 100 6> 4- 4- - 4- 4- 4- 4- - 8 450 450 ---- 420 450 450 450 450 420 800 7> 2 4 7 0 5 7 7 2 2 -100 650 1440 ---- -200 1430 1440 1440 -100 -100 8> 5- 3- 1- 0 3- 8 5- 1- 7 100 50 -50 ---- -650 50 650 100 -50 400 9> 6 0 6 3- 1- 1- 3- 8 6 120 -150 120 ---- 110 -50 -50 110 300 120 10> 7 8 3 5- 5- 3 0 3 1 120 300 -100 110 ---- 110 -100 -200 -100 -180 11> 4- 7- 1 6 1 4- 1 7- 3 -140 50 -420 -110 ---- -420 -140 -420 50 -170 12> 1 8 4 1 1 4 6 4 7 -90 180 50 -90 ---- -90 50 90 50 110 13> 2- 2- 7 0 7 5 2- 2- 7 620 620 650 600 650 ---- 630 620 620 650 14> 3 3 6 3 7- 0 1 5 7- PASS PASS 110 PASS 140 ---- -100 -90 100 140 15> 1 5 1 8 5 3 1 7 5 -450 -420 -450 620 -420 ---- -430 -450 -170 -420 16> 1 7- 3- 5- 1 1 3- 5- 7- -680 -50 -650 -170 -680 -680 ---- -650 -170 -50 17> 3 3 5- 1 3 5- 7- 0 7- 90 90 100 -50 90 100 ---- 120 -100 120 18> 1 4 6- 3 1 6- 1 6- 6- -100 100 110 PASS -100 110 ---- -100 110 110 19> 7- 0 6 3- 3- 3- 3- 1 7- 460 150 450 400 400 400 400 ---- 200 460 20> 1.19 5.69 5.69 3.44 1.19 1.19 5.69 7.94 -500 -100 -100 -200 -500 -500 NP ---- -100 110 21> 3 6 2 0 6 1 8 6 4 -100 50 -120 -200 50 -150 300 ---- 50 -90 22> 3 6 6 6 8 4 0 1- 1- -630 -600 -600 -600 100 -620 -660 -650 ---- -650 23> 3 3 8 0 3 6- 3 3 6- -100 -100 200 -150 -100 110 -100 -100 ---- 110 24> 7- 3- 1 5 3- 2 0 7- 6 110 -50 -110 50 -50 -100 -140 110 ---- 90 25> 6.81 4.56 0.63 2.31 6.81 3.44 0.63 6.81 100 -100 -650 -620 NP 100 -200 -650 100 ---- 26> 4.56 0.63 0.63 4.56 4.56 7.94 4.56 4.56 100 -140 -140 100 NP 100 200 100 100 ---- 27> 7.86 1.43 5.29 1.43 5.29 5.29 1.43 430 -50 400 -50 NP 400 400 -50 NP ---- 28> 4 0 1 7- 2 6 4 4 7- ---- 600 -100 110 660 130 630 600 600 660 29> 8 3- 3- 6- 1 3- 3- 6- 0 ---- 720 660 660 690 -100 660 660 690 -300 30> 1 0 3 3 8 3 5 6- 6- ---- 420 -50 450 450 490 450 460 480 480 EVENT> Tuesday Afternoon Pairs |SESSION> Tuesday Aft |SECTION> A E-W ------------------------,------------------,------------------------------------------ DATE> November 6, 2012 |CLUB NO.> 215665 | 11/06/2012 20:25 ------------------,------------------------------------------------,------------------ DIR> Jim Solomon |RATING> Club Masterpoint (100%, 80%, 80% Open) |MOVEMENT> MITCHELL ------------,--------,--------------------------,------------------------------------- AVE> 108.0 |TOP> 8 |MP LIMITS> None/1500/NLM |CLUB> Morro Bay Charity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAIRS IN STRAT A=10/B=6/C=2 ,---,-----------------,-------,-------,---------, -------------------------------------------------| | Section | | | Section | No Name Name |Str|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct | Awards | ------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- --------- 1 Carol Moss Charles Davis B 3 2 . 122.86 56.88 0.50(A) 2 Marlyn Burch Kathleen Malovos C . . . 84.83 39.27 3 Robert Kakuske Anita Williamson B . . . 95.24 44.09 4 Alice LeWitter Genevieve Konop A . . . 110.03 50.94 5 Louise Wang Gary Yant A 2 . . 128.78 59.62 0.70(A) 6 Audrey Moore George Sheffield B 1 1 . 139.99 64.81 1.00(A) 7 Ed Schertz Charles Unger A 4 . . 114.31 52.92 0.35(A) 8 Paul Rosel Jocelyn Martin B . . . 104.72 48.48 9 Pauline Yant Jim Solomon A . . . 94.50 43.75 10 Gina Kirk Gary Stoner C . . 1 87.28 40.41 0.16(C) Totals 1082.54 **PAIRS** BOARD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 \/ 1> 7.21 2.07 4.64 0.14 2.07 4.64 7.21 NP ---- 450 -50 100 -100 -50 100 NP 450 2> 5.13 5.13 1.75 5.13 0.06 7.94 1.75 5.13 NP ---- 420 420 400 420 -50 430 400 420 3> 6.25 0.63 6.25 7.94 4.56 3.44 2.31 0.63 NP ---- 680 -100 680 690 650 600 110 -100 4> 3- 1 5 7 7 7 2 3- 0 600 -180 ---- 620 660 660 660 150 600 -660 5> 5- 0 5- 8 5- 2 1 5- 3 420 -660 ---- 420 450 420 -50 -100 420 300 6> 4 4 4 7- 7- 4 0 4 1 -450 -450 ---- -450 -420 -420 -450 -800 -450 -480 7> 4 1 1 6 8 6 3 6 1 -650 -1440 -1440 ---- 100 200 100 -1430 100 -1440 8> 4- 2- 6- 6- 8 1 4- 2- 0 -50 -100 50 ---- 50 650 -400 -50 -100 -650 9> 8 4- 2 0 4- 2 6- 2 6- 150 -110 -120 ---- -300 -110 -120 50 -120 50 10> 8 5 5 2- 7 2- 1 5 0 200 100 100 -110 ---- 180 -110 -120 100 -300 11> 7 7 - 2 5 7 3- 3- - 420 420 -50 110 ---- 170 420 140 140 -50 12> 2 4 4 7 1 7 7 4 0 -90 -50 -50 90 ---- -110 90 90 -50 -180 13> 1 5- 8 1 1 5- 3 5- 5- -650 -620 -600 -650 -650 ---- -620 -630 -620 -620 14> 2 3 5 - - 5 8 5 7 -110 -100 PASS -140 -140 ---- PASS 100 PASS 90 15> 7 1 0 3 3 7 5 3 7 450 170 -620 420 420 ---- 450 430 420 450 16> 2- 2- - 7 7 7 - 4- 4- 170 170 50 680 680 680 ---- 50 650 650 17> 8 7 - 5 5 2- 5 - 2- 100 50 -120 -90 -90 -100 ---- -90 -120 -100 18> 1- 5 1- 7 7 1- 4 7 1- -110 PASS -110 100 100 -110 ---- -100 100 -110 19> 4- - 4- - 4- 8 4- 2 7 -400 -460 -400 -460 -400 -150 -400 ---- -450 -200 20> 4.56 0.06 6.81 6.81 6.81 2.31 2.31 2.31 200 -110 500 500 500 100 NP ---- 100 100 21> 8 4 2 5 7 2 0 6 2 200 90 -50 100 150 -50 -300 ---- 120 -50 22> 6- 0 5 4 2 8 2 6- 2 650 -100 630 620 600 660 600 650 ---- 600 23> 1- 5 5 1- 5 5 0 5 8 -110 100 100 -110 100 100 -200 100 ---- 150 24> 2 4- - 6 4- 8 7 - 3 -90 50 -110 100 50 140 110 -110 ---- -50 25> 1.19 1.19 3.44 4.56 7.38 7.38 5.69 1.19 NP -100 -100 100 200 650 650 620 -100 ---- 26> 3.44 3.44 7.38 0.06 7.38 3.44 3.44 3.44 NP -100 -100 140 -200 140 -100 -100 -100 ---- 27> 0.14 2.71 6.57 2.71 2.71 6.57 6.57 NP -430 -400 50 -400 -400 50 50 NP ---- 28> 6 4 2 8 4 7 4 - - ---- -130 -600 -630 100 -600 -110 -600 -660 -660 29> 7 0 4- 4- 4- 4- 1- 1- 8 ---- 100 -720 -660 -660 -660 -660 -690 -690 300 30> 0 7 5 8 3 5 1- 5 1- ---- -490 -420 -450 50 -460 -450 -480 -450 -480 PAIR SUMMARIES Summary for Pair A 1 North-South James Merzon - Floyd Redman Tuesday Afternoon Pairs Stratum A Tuesday Aft Session November 6, 2012 Morro Bay Charity 215665 Average: 108.0 Top on a Board: 8 BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE 4 W BOTH 10 630 8 16 W E-W 5 -680 1 5 N N-S 10 690 8 17 N NONE 5 90 3 6 E E-W 10 450 4.5 18 E N-S 5 -100 1 7 S BOTH 9 -100 2 19 S E-W 4 460 7.5 8 W NONE 9 100 5.5 20 W BOTH 4 -500 1.19 9 N E-W 9 120 6 21 N N-S 4 -100 3 10 E BOTH 8 120 7 22 E E-W 3 -630 3 11 S NONE 8 -140 4.5 23 S BOTH 3 -100 3 12 W N-S 8 -90 1 24 W NONE 3 110 7.5 13 N BOTH 7 620 2.5 25 N E-W 2 100 6.81 14 E NONE 7 PASS 3 26 E BOTH 2 100 4.56 15 S N-S 7 -450 1 27 S NONE 2 430 7.86 TOTAL: 102.42 SESSION SCORE: 115.22 PERCENT: 53.34 Session rank: 4(A) MASTER POINTS: 0.35 Black (Stratum A) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary for Pair A 2 North-South Leda Fields - William Donovan Tuesday Afternoon Pairs Stratum C Tuesday Aft Session November 6, 2012 Morro Bay Charity 215665 Average: 108.0 Top on a Board: 8 BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE 4 W BOTH 2 180 7 18 E N-S 8 100 4 5 N N-S 2 660 7 19 S E-W 6 150 0 6 E E-W 2 450 4.5 20 W BOTH 6 -100 5.69 7 S BOTH 1 650 4 21 N N-S 6 50 6 8 W NONE 1 50 3.5 22 E E-W 5 -600 6 9 N E-W 1 -150 0 23 S BOTH 5 -100 3 10 E BOTH 10 300 8 24 W NONE 5 -50 3.5 11 S NONE 10 50 7.5 25 N E-W 4 -100 4.56 12 W N-S 10 180 8 26 E BOTH 4 -140 0.63 13 N BOTH 9 620 2.5 27 S NONE 4 -50 1.43 14 E NONE 9 PASS 3 28 W N-S 3 600 4 15 S N-S 9 -420 5 29 N BOTH 3 720 8 16 W E-W 8 -50 7.5 30 E NONE 3 420 1 17 N NONE 8 90 3 TOTAL: 118.31 SESSION SCORE: 118.31 PERCENT: 54.77 Session rank: 3(A) 1(B) 1(C) MASTER POINTS: 0.50 Black (Stratum A) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary for Pair A 3 North-South Stephen Gryte - Peggy Christianson Tuesday Afternoon Pairs Stratum C Tuesday Aft Session November 6, 2012 Morro Bay Charity 215665 Average: 108.0 Top on a Board: 8 BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE 1 N NONE 4 50 5.93 18 E N-S 10 110 6.5 2 E N-S 4 -420 2.88 19 S E-W 9 450 6 3 S E-W 4 100 7.38 20 W BOTH 9 -100 5.69 7 S BOTH 3 1440 7 21 N N-S 9 -120 2 8 W NONE 3 -50 1.5 22 E E-W 7 -600 6 9 N E-W 3 120 6 23 S BOTH 7 200 8 10 E BOTH 2 -100 3 24 W NONE 7 -110 1 11 S NONE 2 -420 1 25 N E-W 6 -650 0.63 12 W N-S 2 50 4 26 E BOTH 6 -140 0.63 13 N BOTH 1 650 7 27 S NONE 6 400 5.29 14 E NONE 1 110 6 28 W N-S 5 -100 0 15 S N-S 1 -450 1 29 N BOTH 5 660 3.5 16 W E-W 10 -650 3.5 30 E NONE 5 -50 0 17 N NONE 10 100 5.5 TOTAL: 106.93 SESSION SCORE: 106.93 PERCENT: 49.50 Session rank: 2(B) 2(C) MASTER POINTS: 0.28 Black (Stratum B) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary for Pair A 4 North-South Sheila Selker - Mary Williams Tuesday Afternoon Pairs Stratum C Tuesday Aft Session November 6, 2012 Morro Bay Charity 215665 Average: 108.0 Top on a Board: 8 BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE 1 N NONE 6 100 7.86 18 E N-S 2 PASS 3 2 E N-S 6 -420 2.88 19 S E-W 1 400 3.5 3 S E-W 6 -690 0.06 20 W BOTH 1 -200 3.44 4 W BOTH 5 -660 1 21 N N-S 1 -200 0 5 N N-S 5 -450 0 22 E E-W 10 -600 6 6 E E-W 5 420 0.5 23 S BOTH 10 -150 0 10 E BOTH 4 110 5.5 24 W NONE 10 50 5 11 S NONE 4 -110 6 25 N E-W 8 -620 2.31 12 W N-S 4 -90 1 26 E BOTH 8 100 4.56 13 N BOTH 3 600 0 27 S NONE 8 -50 1.43 14 E NONE 3 PASS 3 28 W N-S 7 110 1 15 S N-S 3 620 8 29 N BOTH 7 660 3.5 16 W E-W 2 -170 5.5 30 E NONE 7 450 3 17 N NONE 2 -50 1 TOTAL: 79.04 SESSION SCORE: 79.04 PERCENT: 36.59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary for Pair A 5 North-South Cass Schwartz - Phyllis Beene Tuesday Afternoon Pairs Stratum A Tuesday Aft Session November 6, 2012 Morro Bay Charity 215665 Average: 108.0 Top on a Board: 8 BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE 1 N NONE 8 -100 3.36 16 W E-W 4 -680 1 2 E N-S 8 -430 0.06 17 N NONE 4 90 3 3 S E-W 8 -600 4.56 18 E N-S 4 -100 1 4 W BOTH 7 -660 1 19 S E-W 3 400 3.5 5 N N-S 7 50 5 20 W BOTH 3 -500 1.19 6 E E-W 7 450 4.5 21 N N-S 3 50 6 7 S BOTH 6 -200 0 22 E E-W 2 100 8 8 W NONE 6 -650 0 23 S BOTH 2 -100 3 9 N E-W 6 110 3.5 24 W NONE 2 -50 3.5 13 N BOTH 5 650 7 28 W N-S 9 660 7.5 14 E NONE 5 140 7.5 29 N BOTH 9 690 6.5 15 S N-S 5 -420 5 30 E NONE 9 450 3 TOTAL: 88.67 SESSION SCORE: 99.75 PERCENT: 46.18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary for Pair A 6 North-South Carol Raimondo - Louise Abbott Tuesday Afternoon Pairs Stratum C Tuesday Aft Session November 6, 2012 Morro Bay Charity 215665 Average: 108.0 Top on a Board: 8 BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE 1 N NONE 10 -450 0.79 18 E N-S 6 110 6.5 2 E N-S 10 -420 2.88 19 S E-W 5 400 3.5 3 S E-W 10 100 7.38 20 W BOTH 5 -500 1.19 4 W BOTH 9 -600 4.5 21 N N-S 5 -150 1 5 N N-S 9 -420 2.5 22 E E-W 4 -620 4 6 E E-W 9 450 4.5 23 S BOTH 4 110 6.5 7 S BOTH 8 1430 5 24 W NONE 4 -100 2 8 W NONE 8 50 3.5 25 N E-W 3 100 6.81 9 N E-W 8 -50 1.5 26 E BOTH 3 100 4.56 10 E BOTH 7 110 5.5 27 S NONE 3 400 5.29 11 S NONE 7 -420 1 28 W N-S 2 130 2 12 W N-S 7 -90 1 29 N BOTH 2 -100 1 16 W E-W 6 -680 1 30 E NONE 2 490 8 17 N NONE 6 100 5.5 TOTAL: 98.90 SESSION SCORE: 98.90 PERCENT: 45.79 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary for Pair A 7 North-South Judith Holland - Stuart Baron Tuesday Afternoon Pairs Stratum B Tuesday Aft Session November 6, 2012 Morro Bay Charity 215665 Average: 108.0 Top on a Board: 8 BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE 1 N NONE 3 -450 0.79 14 E NONE 8 -100 0 2 E N-S 3 -420 2.88 15 S N-S 8 -430 3 3 S E-W 3 -680 1.75 19 S E-W 7 400 3.5 4 W BOTH 1 -600 4.5 21 N N-S 7 300 8 5 N N-S 1 -420 2.5 22 E E-W 6 -660 0 6 E E-W 1 450 4.5 23 S BOTH 6 -100 3 7 S BOTH 10 1440 7 24 W NONE 6 -140 0 8 W NONE 10 650 8 25 N E-W 5 -200 3.44 9 N E-W 10 -50 1.5 26 E BOTH 5 200 7.94 10 E BOTH 9 -100 3 27 S NONE 5 400 5.29 11 S NONE 9 -140 4.5 28 W N-S 4 630 6 12 W N-S 9 50 4 29 N BOTH 4 660 3.5 13 N BOTH 8 630 5 30 E NONE 4 450 3 TOTAL: 96.59 SESSION SCORE: 100.31 PERCENT: 46.44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary for Pair A 8 North-South Patricia Macdonald - Mary Neal Tuesday Afternoon Pairs Stratum A Tuesday Aft Session November 6, 2012 Morro Bay Charity 215665 Average: 108.0 Top on a Board: 8 BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE 1 N NONE 5 -100 3.36 15 S N-S 10 -450 1 2 E N-S 5 -400 6.25 16 W E-W 9 -650 3.5 3 S E-W 5 -680 1.75 17 N NONE 9 120 7.5 4 W BOTH 4 -620 3 18 E N-S 9 -100 1 5 N N-S 4 -420 2.5 22 E E-W 8 -650 1.5 6 E E-W 4 450 4.5 23 S BOTH 8 -100 3 7 S BOTH 2 1440 7 24 W NONE 8 110 7.5 8 W NONE 2 100 5.5 25 N E-W 7 -650 0.63 9 N E-W 2 110 3.5 26 E BOTH 7 100 4.56 10 E BOTH 1 -200 0 27 S NONE 7 -50 1.43 11 S NONE 1 -420 1 28 W N-S 6 600 4 12 W N-S 1 90 6 29 N BOTH 6 660 3.5 13 N BOTH 10 620 2.5 30 E NONE 6 460 5 14 E NONE 10 -90 1 TOTAL: 91.98 SESSION SCORE: 91.98 PERCENT: 42.58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary for Pair A 9 North-South Barbara Hardin - Torre Houlgate-West Tuesday Afternoon Pairs Stratum A Tuesday Aft Session November 6, 2012 Morro Bay Charity 215665 Average: 108.0 Top on a Board: 8 BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE 1 N NONE 7 50 5.93 14 E NONE 2 100 5 2 E N-S 7 50 7.94 15 S N-S 2 -170 7 3 S E-W 7 -650 3.44 16 W E-W 1 -170 5.5 4 W BOTH 6 -660 1 17 N NONE 1 -100 0 5 N N-S 6 -420 2.5 18 E N-S 1 110 6.5 6 E E-W 6 420 0.5 19 S E-W 10 200 1 7 S BOTH 5 -100 2 20 W BOTH 10 -100 5.69 8 W NONE 5 -50 1.5 21 N N-S 10 50 6 9 N E-W 5 300 8 25 N E-W 9 100 6.81 10 E BOTH 3 -100 3 26 E BOTH 9 100 4.56 11 S NONE 3 50 7.5 28 W N-S 8 600 4 12 W N-S 3 50 4 29 N BOTH 8 690 6.5 13 N BOTH 2 620 2.5 30 E NONE 8 480 6.5 TOTAL: 114.87 SESSION SCORE: 119.29 PERCENT: 55.23 Session rank: 2(A) MASTER POINTS: 0.70 Black (Stratum A) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary for Pair A 10 North-South Gail Lapins - Gary Arthurs Tuesday Afternoon Pairs Stratum A Tuesday Aft Session November 6, 2012 Morro Bay Charity 215665 Average: 108.0 Top on a Board: 8 BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE 2 E N-S 9 -400 6.25 15 S N-S 4 -420 5 3 S E-W 9 -110 5.69 16 W E-W 3 -50 7.5 4 W BOTH 8 -150 6 17 N NONE 3 120 7.5 5 N N-S 8 100 6 18 E N-S 3 110 6.5 6 E E-W 8 800 8 19 S E-W 2 460 7.5 7 S BOTH 7 -100 2 20 W BOTH 2 110 7.94 8 W NONE 7 400 7 21 N N-S 2 -90 4 9 N E-W 7 120 6 22 E E-W 1 -650 1.5 10 E BOTH 6 -180 1 23 S BOTH 1 110 6.5 11 S NONE 6 -170 3 24 W NONE 1 90 6 12 W N-S 6 110 7 28 W N-S 10 660 7.5 13 N BOTH 4 650 7 29 N BOTH 10 -300 0 14 E NONE 4 140 7.5 30 E NONE 10 480 6.5 TOTAL: 146.38 SESSION SCORE: 152.01 PERCENT: 70.38 Session rank: 1(A) MASTER POINTS: 1.00 Black (Stratum A) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary for Pair A 1 East-West Carol Moss - Charles Davis Tuesday Afternoon Pairs Stratum B Tuesday Aft Session November 6, 2012 Morro Bay Charity 215665 Average: 108.0 Top on a Board: 8 BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE 4 W BOTH 7 600 3.5 15 S N-S 3 450 7 5 N N-S 7 420 5.5 16 W E-W 9 170 2.5 6 E E-W 7 -450 4 17 N NONE 9 100 8 7 S BOTH 2 -650 4 18 E N-S 9 -110 1.5 8 W NONE 2 -50 4.5 19 S E-W 4 -400 4.5 9 N E-W 2 150 8 20 W BOTH 4 200 4.56 10 E BOTH 8 200 8 21 N N-S 4 200 8 11 S NONE 8 420 7 22 E E-W 10 650 6.5 12 W N-S 8 -90 2 23 S BOTH 10 -110 1.5 13 N BOTH 3 -650 1 24 W NONE 10 -90 2 14 E NONE 3 -110 2 TOTAL: 95.56 SESSION SCORE: 122.86 PERCENT: 56.88 Session rank: 3(A) 2(B) MASTER POINTS: 0.50 Black (Stratum A) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary for Pair A 2 East-West Marlyn Burch - Kathleen Malovos Tuesday Afternoon Pairs Stratum C Tuesday Aft Session November 6, 2012 Morro Bay Charity 215665 Average: 108.0 Top on a Board: 8 BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE 4 W BOTH 2 -180 1 18 E N-S 4 PASS 5 5 N N-S 2 -660 0 19 S E-W 10 -460 0.5 6 E E-W 2 -450 4 20 W BOTH 10 -110 0.06 7 S BOTH 8 -1440 1 21 N N-S 10 90 4 8 W NONE 8 -100 2.5 22 E E-W 5 -100 0 9 N E-W 8 -110 4.5 23 S BOTH 5 100 5 10 E BOTH 3 100 5 24 W NONE 5 50 4.5 11 S NONE 3 420 7 25 N E-W 1 -100 1.19 12 W N-S 3 -50 4 26 E BOTH 1 -100 3.44 13 N BOTH 9 -620 5.5 27 S NONE 1 -430 0.14 14 E NONE 9 -100 3 28 W N-S 6 -130 6 15 S N-S 9 170 1 29 N BOTH 6 100 7 16 W E-W 4 170 2.5 30 E NONE 6 -490 0 17 N NONE 4 50 7 TOTAL: 84.83 SESSION SCORE: 84.83 PERCENT: 39.27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary for Pair A 3 East-West Robert Kakuske - Anita Williamson Tuesday Afternoon Pairs Stratum B Tuesday Aft Session November 6, 2012 Morro Bay Charity 215665 Average: 108.0 Top on a Board: 8 BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE 1 N NONE 7 450 7.21 18 E N-S 10 -110 1.5 2 E N-S 7 420 5.13 19 S E-W 5 -400 4.5 3 S E-W 7 680 6.25 20 W BOTH 5 500 6.81 7 S BOTH 3 -1440 1 21 N N-S 5 -50 2 8 W NONE 3 50 6.5 22 E E-W 1 630 5 9 N E-W 3 -120 2 23 S BOTH 1 100 5 10 E BOTH 9 100 5 24 W NONE 1 -110 0.5 11 S NONE 9 -50 0.5 25 N E-W 6 -100 1.19 12 W N-S 9 -50 4 26 E BOTH 6 -100 3.44 13 N BOTH 4 -600 8 27 S NONE 6 -400 2.71 14 E NONE 4 PASS 5 28 W N-S 2 -600 4 15 S N-S 4 -620 0 29 N BOTH 2 -720 0 16 W E-W 10 50 0.5 30 E NONE 2 -420 7 17 N NONE 10 -120 0.5 TOTAL: 95.24 SESSION SCORE: 95.24 PERCENT: 44.09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary for Pair A 4 East-West Alice LeWitter - Genevieve Konop Tuesday Afternoon Pairs Stratum A Tuesday Aft Session November 6, 2012 Morro Bay Charity 215665 Average: 108.0 Top on a Board: 8 BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE 1 N NONE 3 -50 2.07 18 E N-S 5 100 7 2 E N-S 3 420 5.13 19 S E-W 1 -460 0.5 3 S E-W 3 -100 0.63 20 W BOTH 1 500 6.81 4 W BOTH 8 620 5 21 N N-S 1 100 5 5 N N-S 8 420 5.5 22 E E-W 6 620 4 6 E E-W 8 -450 4 23 S BOTH 6 -110 1.5 10 E BOTH 4 -110 2.5 24 W NONE 6 100 6 11 S NONE 4 110 2 25 N E-W 2 100 3.44 12 W N-S 4 90 7 26 E BOTH 2 140 7.38 13 N BOTH 10 -650 1 27 S NONE 2 50 6.57 14 E NONE 10 -140 0.5 28 W N-S 7 -630 2 15 S N-S 10 420 3 29 N BOTH 7 -660 4.5 16 W E-W 5 680 7 30 E NONE 7 -450 5 17 N NONE 5 -90 5 TOTAL: 110.03 SESSION SCORE: 110.03 PERCENT: 50.94 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary for Pair A 5 East-West Louise Wang - Gary Yant Tuesday Afternoon Pairs Stratum A Tuesday Aft Session November 6, 2012 Morro Bay Charity 215665 Average: 108.0 Top on a Board: 8 BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE 1 N NONE 8 100 4.64 18 E N-S 1 100 7 2 E N-S 8 400 1.75 19 S E-W 6 -400 4.5 3 S E-W 8 680 6.25 20 W BOTH 6 500 6.81 4 W BOTH 4 660 7 21 N N-S 6 150 7 5 N N-S 4 450 8 22 E E-W 2 600 2 6 E E-W 4 -420 7.5 23 S BOTH 2 100 5 7 S BOTH 9 100 6 24 W NONE 2 50 4.5 8 W NONE 9 50 6.5 25 N E-W 7 200 4.56 9 N E-W 9 -300 0 26 E BOTH 7 -200 0.06 13 N BOTH 5 -650 1 27 S NONE 7 -400 2.71 14 E NONE 5 -140 0.5 28 W N-S 3 100 8 15 S N-S 5 420 3 29 N BOTH 3 -660 4.5 16 W E-W 1 680 7 30 E NONE 3 50 8 17 N NONE 1 -90 5 TOTAL: 128.78 SESSION SCORE: 128.78 PERCENT: 59.62 Session rank: 2(A) MASTER POINTS: 0.70 Black (Stratum A) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary for Pair A 6 East-West Audrey Moore - George Sheffield Tuesday Afternoon Pairs Stratum B Tuesday Aft Session November 6, 2012 Morro Bay Charity 215665 Average: 108.0 Top on a Board: 8 BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE 1 N NONE 4 -100 0.14 18 E N-S 6 -110 1.5 2 E N-S 4 420 5.13 19 S E-W 2 -150 8 3 S E-W 4 690 7.94 20 W BOTH 2 100 2.31 4 W BOTH 9 660 7 21 N N-S 2 -50 2 5 N N-S 9 420 5.5 22 E E-W 7 660 8 6 E E-W 9 -420 7.5 23 S BOTH 7 100 5 7 S BOTH 5 200 8 24 W NONE 7 140 8 8 W NONE 5 650 8 25 N E-W 3 650 7.38 9 N E-W 5 -110 4.5 26 E BOTH 3 140 7.38 10 E BOTH 10 180 7 27 S NONE 3 -400 2.71 11 S NONE 10 170 5 28 W N-S 8 -600 4 12 W N-S 10 -110 1 29 N BOTH 8 -660 4.5 16 W E-W 6 680 7 30 E NONE 8 -460 3 17 N NONE 6 -100 2.5 TOTAL: 139.99 SESSION SCORE: 139.99 PERCENT: 64.81 Session rank: 1(A) 1(B) MASTER POINTS: 1.00 Black (Stratum A) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary for Pair A 7 East-West Ed Schertz - Charles Unger Tuesday Afternoon Pairs Stratum A Tuesday Aft Session November 6, 2012 Morro Bay Charity 215665 Average: 108.0 Top on a Board: 8 BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE 1 N NONE 9 -50 2.07 14 E NONE 1 PASS 5 2 E N-S 9 -50 0.06 15 S N-S 1 450 7 3 S E-W 9 650 4.56 19 S E-W 7 -400 4.5 4 W BOTH 5 660 7 21 N N-S 7 -300 0 5 N N-S 5 -50 2 22 E E-W 3 600 2 6 E E-W 5 -450 4 23 S BOTH 3 -200 0 7 S BOTH 10 100 6 24 W NONE 3 110 7 8 W NONE 10 -400 1 25 N E-W 8 650 7.38 9 N E-W 10 -120 2 26 E BOTH 8 -100 3.44 10 E BOTH 6 -110 2.5 27 S NONE 8 50 6.57 11 S NONE 6 420 7 28 W N-S 4 -110 7 12 W N-S 6 90 7 29 N BOTH 4 -660 4.5 13 N BOTH 1 -620 5.5 30 E NONE 4 -450 5 TOTAL: 110.08 SESSION SCORE: 114.31 PERCENT: 52.92 Session rank: 4(A) MASTER POINTS: 0.35 Black (Stratum A) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary for Pair A 8 East-West Paul Rosel - Jocelyn Martin Tuesday Afternoon Pairs Stratum B Tuesday Aft Session November 6, 2012 Morro Bay Charity 215665 Average: 108.0 Top on a Board: 8 BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE 1 N NONE 5 100 4.64 15 S N-S 7 430 5 2 E N-S 5 430 7.94 16 W E-W 2 50 0.5 3 S E-W 5 600 3.44 17 N NONE 2 -90 5 4 W BOTH 10 150 2 18 E N-S 2 -100 4 5 N N-S 10 -100 1 22 E E-W 8 650 6.5 6 E E-W 10 -800 0 23 S BOTH 8 100 5 7 S BOTH 6 -1430 3 24 W NONE 8 -110 0.5 8 W NONE 6 -50 4.5 25 N E-W 4 620 5.69 9 N E-W 6 50 6.5 26 E BOTH 4 -100 3.44 10 E BOTH 1 -120 1 27 S NONE 4 50 6.57 11 S NONE 1 140 3.5 28 W N-S 9 -600 4 12 W N-S 1 90 7 29 N BOTH 9 -690 1.5 13 N BOTH 7 -630 3 30 E NONE 9 -480 1.5 14 E NONE 7 100 8 TOTAL: 104.72 SESSION SCORE: 104.72 PERCENT: 48.48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary for Pair A 9 East-West Pauline Yant - Jim Solomon Tuesday Afternoon Pairs Stratum A Tuesday Aft Session November 6, 2012 Morro Bay Charity 215665 Average: 108.0 Top on a Board: 8 BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE 2 E N-S 10 400 1.75 15 S N-S 2 420 3 3 S E-W 10 110 2.31 16 W E-W 8 650 4.5 4 W BOTH 6 600 3.5 17 N NONE 8 -120 0.5 5 N N-S 6 420 5.5 18 E N-S 8 100 7 6 E E-W 6 -450 4 19 S E-W 3 -450 2 7 S BOTH 1 100 6 20 W BOTH 3 100 2.31 8 W NONE 1 -100 2.5 21 N N-S 3 120 6 9 N E-W 1 -120 2 25 N E-W 9 -100 1.19 10 E BOTH 7 100 5 26 E BOTH 9 -100 3.44 11 S NONE 7 140 3.5 28 W N-S 5 -660 0.5 12 W N-S 7 -50 4 29 N BOTH 5 -690 1.5 13 N BOTH 2 -620 5.5 30 E NONE 5 -450 5 14 E NONE 2 PASS 5 TOTAL: 87.50 SESSION SCORE: 94.50 PERCENT: 43.75 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary for Pair A 10 East-West Gina Kirk - Gary Stoner Tuesday Afternoon Pairs Stratum C Tuesday Aft Session November 6, 2012 Morro Bay Charity 215665 Average: 108.0 Top on a Board: 8 BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE BRD DLR VUL VS RESULT SCORE 1 N NONE 6 450 7.21 15 S N-S 8 450 7 2 E N-S 6 420 5.13 16 W E-W 3 650 4.5 3 S E-W 6 -100 0.63 17 N NONE 3 -100 2.5 4 W BOTH 1 -660 0 18 E N-S 3 -110 1.5 5 N N-S 1 300 3 19 S E-W 9 -200 7 6 E E-W 1 -480 1 20 W BOTH 9 100 2.31 7 S BOTH 7 -1440 1 21 N N-S 9 -50 2 8 W NONE 7 -650 0 22 E E-W 4 600 2 9 N E-W 7 50 6.5 23 S BOTH 4 150 8 10 E BOTH 2 -300 0 24 W NONE 4 -50 3 11 S NONE 2 -50 0.5 28 W N-S 10 -660 0.5 12 W N-S 2 -180 0 29 N BOTH 10 300 8 13 N BOTH 8 -620 5.5 30 E NONE 10 -480 1.5 14 E NONE 8 90 7 TOTAL: 87.28 SESSION SCORE: 87.28 PERCENT: 40.41 Session rank: 1(C) MASTER POINTS: 0.16 Black (Stratum C) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TRAVELING SCORES Tuesday Afternoon Pairs, Tuesday Aft, November 6, 2012 RESULTS OF BOARD 1 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 50 5.93 2.07 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 100 7.86 0.14 4-Selker-Williams vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 100 3.36 4.64 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 8-Rosel-Martin 450 0.79 7.21 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 10-Kirk-Stoner 450 0.79 7.21 7-Holland-Baron vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 100 3.36 4.64 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 5-Wang-Yant 50 5.93 2.07 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 7-Schertz-Unger ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 2 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 420 2.88 5.13 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 420 2.88 5.13 4-Selker-Williams vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 430 0.06 7.94 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 8-Rosel-Martin 420 2.88 5.13 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 10-Kirk-Stoner 420 2.88 5.13 7-Holland-Baron vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 400 6.25 1.75 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 5-Wang-Yant 50 7.94 0.06 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 7-Schertz-Unger 400 6.25 1.75 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 9-Yant-Solomon ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 3 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 100 7.38 0.63 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 690 0.06 7.94 4-Selker-Williams vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 600 4.56 3.44 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 8-Rosel-Martin 100 7.38 0.63 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 10-Kirk-Stoner 680 1.75 6.25 7-Holland-Baron vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 680 1.75 6.25 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 5-Wang-Yant 650 3.44 4.56 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 7-Schertz-Unger 110 5.69 2.31 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 9-Yant-Solomon ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 4 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 630 -660 8.00 0.00 1-Merzon-Redman vs 10-Kirk-Stoner 180 7.00 1.00 2-Fields-Donovan vs 2-Burch-Malovos 660 1.00 7.00 4-Selker-Williams vs 5-Wang-Yant 660 1.00 7.00 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 7-Schertz-Unger 600 4.50 3.50 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 9-Yant-Solomon 600 4.50 3.50 7-Holland-Baron vs 1-Moss-Davis 620 3.00 5.00 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 660 1.00 7.00 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 150 6.00 2.00 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 8-Rosel-Martin ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 5 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 690 300 8.00 3.00 1-Merzon-Redman vs 10-Kirk-Stoner 660 7.00 0.00 2-Fields-Donovan vs 2-Burch-Malovos 450 0.00 8.00 4-Selker-Williams vs 5-Wang-Yant 50 5.00 2.00 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 7-Schertz-Unger 420 2.50 5.50 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 9-Yant-Solomon 420 2.50 5.50 7-Holland-Baron vs 1-Moss-Davis 420 2.50 5.50 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 420 2.50 5.50 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 100 6.00 1.00 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 8-Rosel-Martin ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 6 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 450 -480 4.50 1.00 1-Merzon-Redman vs 10-Kirk-Stoner 450 4.50 4.00 2-Fields-Donovan vs 2-Burch-Malovos 420 0.50 7.50 4-Selker-Williams vs 5-Wang-Yant 450 4.50 4.00 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 7-Schertz-Unger 450 4.50 4.00 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 9-Yant-Solomon 450 4.50 4.00 7-Holland-Baron vs 1-Moss-Davis 450 4.50 4.00 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 420 0.50 7.50 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 800 8.00 0.00 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 8-Rosel-Martin ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 7 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 100 2.00 6.00 1-Merzon-Redman vs 9-Yant-Solomon 650 4.00 4.00 2-Fields-Donovan vs 1-Moss-Davis 1440 7.00 1.00 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 200 0.00 8.00 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 1430 5.00 3.00 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 8-Rosel-Martin 1440 7.00 1.00 7-Holland-Baron vs 10-Kirk-Stoner 1440 7.00 1.00 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 2-Burch-Malovos 100 2.00 6.00 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 5-Wang-Yant 100 2.00 6.00 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 7-Schertz-Unger ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 8 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 100 5.50 2.50 1-Merzon-Redman vs 9-Yant-Solomon 50 3.50 4.50 2-Fields-Donovan vs 1-Moss-Davis 50 1.50 6.50 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 650 0.00 8.00 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 50 3.50 4.50 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 8-Rosel-Martin 650 8.00 0.00 7-Holland-Baron vs 10-Kirk-Stoner 100 5.50 2.50 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 2-Burch-Malovos 50 1.50 6.50 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 5-Wang-Yant 400 7.00 1.00 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 7-Schertz-Unger ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 9 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 120 6.00 2.00 1-Merzon-Redman vs 9-Yant-Solomon 150 0.00 8.00 2-Fields-Donovan vs 1-Moss-Davis 120 6.00 2.00 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 110 3.50 4.50 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 50 1.50 6.50 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 8-Rosel-Martin 50 1.50 6.50 7-Holland-Baron vs 10-Kirk-Stoner 110 3.50 4.50 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 2-Burch-Malovos 300 8.00 0.00 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 5-Wang-Yant 120 6.00 2.00 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 7-Schertz-Unger ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 10 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 120 7.00 1.00 1-Merzon-Redman vs 8-Rosel-Martin 300 8.00 0.00 2-Fields-Donovan vs 10-Kirk-Stoner 100 3.00 5.00 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 2-Burch-Malovos 110 5.50 2.50 4-Selker-Williams vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 110 5.50 2.50 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 7-Schertz-Unger 100 3.00 5.00 7-Holland-Baron vs 9-Yant-Solomon 200 0.00 8.00 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 1-Moss-Davis 100 3.00 5.00 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 180 1.00 7.00 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 6-Moore-Sheffield ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 11 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 140 4.50 3.50 1-Merzon-Redman vs 8-Rosel-Martin 50 7.50 0.50 2-Fields-Donovan vs 10-Kirk-Stoner 420 1.00 7.00 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 2-Burch-Malovos 110 6.00 2.00 4-Selker-Williams vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 420 1.00 7.00 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 7-Schertz-Unger 140 4.50 3.50 7-Holland-Baron vs 9-Yant-Solomon 420 1.00 7.00 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 1-Moss-Davis 50 7.50 0.50 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 170 3.00 5.00 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 6-Moore-Sheffield ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 12 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 90 1.00 7.00 1-Merzon-Redman vs 8-Rosel-Martin 180 8.00 0.00 2-Fields-Donovan vs 10-Kirk-Stoner 50 4.00 4.00 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 2-Burch-Malovos 90 1.00 7.00 4-Selker-Williams vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 90 1.00 7.00 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 7-Schertz-Unger 50 4.00 4.00 7-Holland-Baron vs 9-Yant-Solomon 90 6.00 2.00 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 1-Moss-Davis 50 4.00 4.00 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 110 7.00 1.00 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 6-Moore-Sheffield ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 13 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 620 2.50 5.50 1-Merzon-Redman vs 7-Schertz-Unger 620 2.50 5.50 2-Fields-Donovan vs 9-Yant-Solomon 650 7.00 1.00 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 1-Moss-Davis 600 0.00 8.00 4-Selker-Williams vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 650 7.00 1.00 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 5-Wang-Yant 630 5.00 3.00 7-Holland-Baron vs 8-Rosel-Martin 620 2.50 5.50 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 10-Kirk-Stoner 620 2.50 5.50 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 2-Burch-Malovos 650 7.00 1.00 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 4-LeWitter-Konop ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 14 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W PASS 3.00 5.00 1-Merzon-Redman vs 7-Schertz-Unger PASS 3.00 5.00 2-Fields-Donovan vs 9-Yant-Solomon 110 6.00 2.00 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 1-Moss-Davis PASS 3.00 5.00 4-Selker-Williams vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 140 7.50 0.50 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 5-Wang-Yant 100 0.00 8.00 7-Holland-Baron vs 8-Rosel-Martin 90 1.00 7.00 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 10-Kirk-Stoner 100 5.00 3.00 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 2-Burch-Malovos 140 7.50 0.50 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 4-LeWitter-Konop ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 15 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 450 1.00 7.00 1-Merzon-Redman vs 7-Schertz-Unger 420 5.00 3.00 2-Fields-Donovan vs 9-Yant-Solomon 450 1.00 7.00 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 1-Moss-Davis 620 8.00 0.00 4-Selker-Williams vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 420 5.00 3.00 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 5-Wang-Yant 430 3.00 5.00 7-Holland-Baron vs 8-Rosel-Martin 450 1.00 7.00 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 10-Kirk-Stoner 170 7.00 1.00 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 2-Burch-Malovos 420 5.00 3.00 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 4-LeWitter-Konop ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 16 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 680 1.00 7.00 1-Merzon-Redman vs 5-Wang-Yant 50 7.50 0.50 2-Fields-Donovan vs 8-Rosel-Martin 650 3.50 4.50 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 10-Kirk-Stoner 170 5.50 2.50 4-Selker-Williams vs 2-Burch-Malovos 680 1.00 7.00 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 680 1.00 7.00 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 650 3.50 4.50 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 9-Yant-Solomon 170 5.50 2.50 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 1-Moss-Davis 50 7.50 0.50 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 17 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 90 3.00 5.00 1-Merzon-Redman vs 5-Wang-Yant 90 3.00 5.00 2-Fields-Donovan vs 8-Rosel-Martin 100 5.50 2.50 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 10-Kirk-Stoner 50 1.00 7.00 4-Selker-Williams vs 2-Burch-Malovos 90 3.00 5.00 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 100 5.50 2.50 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 120 7.50 0.50 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 9-Yant-Solomon 100 0.00 8.00 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 1-Moss-Davis 120 7.50 0.50 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 18 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 100 1.00 7.00 1-Merzon-Redman vs 5-Wang-Yant 100 4.00 4.00 2-Fields-Donovan vs 8-Rosel-Martin 110 6.50 1.50 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 10-Kirk-Stoner PASS 3.00 5.00 4-Selker-Williams vs 2-Burch-Malovos 100 1.00 7.00 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 110 6.50 1.50 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 100 1.00 7.00 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 9-Yant-Solomon 110 6.50 1.50 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 1-Moss-Davis 110 6.50 1.50 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 19 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 460 7.50 0.50 1-Merzon-Redman vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 150 0.00 8.00 2-Fields-Donovan vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 450 6.00 2.00 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 9-Yant-Solomon 400 3.50 4.50 4-Selker-Williams vs 1-Moss-Davis 400 3.50 4.50 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 400 3.50 4.50 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 5-Wang-Yant 400 3.50 4.50 7-Holland-Baron vs 7-Schertz-Unger 200 1.00 7.00 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 10-Kirk-Stoner 460 7.50 0.50 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 2-Burch-Malovos ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 20 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 500 1.19 6.81 1-Merzon-Redman vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 100 5.69 2.31 2-Fields-Donovan vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 100 5.69 2.31 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 9-Yant-Solomon 200 3.44 4.56 4-Selker-Williams vs 1-Moss-Davis 500 1.19 6.81 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 500 1.19 6.81 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 5-Wang-Yant 100 5.69 2.31 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 10-Kirk-Stoner 110 7.94 0.06 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 2-Burch-Malovos ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 21 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 100 3.00 5.00 1-Merzon-Redman vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 50 6.00 2.00 2-Fields-Donovan vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 120 2.00 6.00 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 9-Yant-Solomon 200 0.00 8.00 4-Selker-Williams vs 1-Moss-Davis 50 6.00 2.00 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 150 1.00 7.00 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 5-Wang-Yant 300 8.00 0.00 7-Holland-Baron vs 7-Schertz-Unger 50 6.00 2.00 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 10-Kirk-Stoner 90 4.00 4.00 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 2-Burch-Malovos ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 22 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 630 3.00 5.00 1-Merzon-Redman vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 600 6.00 2.00 2-Fields-Donovan vs 5-Wang-Yant 600 6.00 2.00 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 7-Schertz-Unger 600 6.00 2.00 4-Selker-Williams vs 10-Kirk-Stoner 100 8.00 0.00 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 2-Burch-Malovos 620 4.00 4.00 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 660 0.00 8.00 7-Holland-Baron vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 650 1.50 6.50 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 8-Rosel-Martin 650 1.50 6.50 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 1-Moss-Davis ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 23 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 100 3.00 5.00 1-Merzon-Redman vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 100 3.00 5.00 2-Fields-Donovan vs 5-Wang-Yant 200 8.00 0.00 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 7-Schertz-Unger 150 0.00 8.00 4-Selker-Williams vs 10-Kirk-Stoner 100 3.00 5.00 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 2-Burch-Malovos 110 6.50 1.50 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 100 3.00 5.00 7-Holland-Baron vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 100 3.00 5.00 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 8-Rosel-Martin 110 6.50 1.50 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 1-Moss-Davis ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 24 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 110 7.50 0.50 1-Merzon-Redman vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 50 3.50 4.50 2-Fields-Donovan vs 5-Wang-Yant 110 1.00 7.00 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 7-Schertz-Unger 50 5.00 3.00 4-Selker-Williams vs 10-Kirk-Stoner 50 3.50 4.50 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 2-Burch-Malovos 100 2.00 6.00 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 140 0.00 8.00 7-Holland-Baron vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 110 7.50 0.50 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 8-Rosel-Martin 90 6.00 2.00 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 1-Moss-Davis ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 25 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 100 6.81 1.19 1-Merzon-Redman vs 2-Burch-Malovos 100 4.56 3.44 2-Fields-Donovan vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 650 0.63 7.38 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 620 2.31 5.69 4-Selker-Williams vs 8-Rosel-Martin 100 6.81 1.19 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 200 3.44 4.56 7-Holland-Baron vs 5-Wang-Yant 650 0.63 7.38 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 7-Schertz-Unger 100 6.81 1.19 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 9-Yant-Solomon ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 26 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 100 4.56 3.44 1-Merzon-Redman vs 2-Burch-Malovos 140 0.63 7.38 2-Fields-Donovan vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 140 0.63 7.38 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 100 4.56 3.44 4-Selker-Williams vs 8-Rosel-Martin 100 4.56 3.44 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 200 7.94 0.06 7-Holland-Baron vs 5-Wang-Yant 100 4.56 3.44 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 7-Schertz-Unger 100 4.56 3.44 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 9-Yant-Solomon ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 27 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 430 7.86 0.14 1-Merzon-Redman vs 2-Burch-Malovos 50 1.43 6.57 2-Fields-Donovan vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 400 5.29 2.71 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 50 1.43 6.57 4-Selker-Williams vs 8-Rosel-Martin 400 5.29 2.71 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 400 5.29 2.71 7-Holland-Baron vs 5-Wang-Yant 50 1.43 6.57 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 7-Schertz-Unger ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 28 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 600 4.00 4.00 2-Fields-Donovan vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 100 0.00 8.00 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 5-Wang-Yant 110 1.00 7.00 4-Selker-Williams vs 7-Schertz-Unger 660 7.50 0.50 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 9-Yant-Solomon 130 2.00 6.00 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 2-Burch-Malovos 630 6.00 2.00 7-Holland-Baron vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 600 4.00 4.00 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 600 4.00 4.00 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 8-Rosel-Martin 660 7.50 0.50 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 10-Kirk-Stoner ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 29 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 720 8.00 0.00 2-Fields-Donovan vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 660 3.50 4.50 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 5-Wang-Yant 660 3.50 4.50 4-Selker-Williams vs 7-Schertz-Unger 690 6.50 1.50 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 9-Yant-Solomon 100 1.00 7.00 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 2-Burch-Malovos 660 3.50 4.50 7-Holland-Baron vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 660 3.50 4.50 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 690 6.50 1.50 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 8-Rosel-Martin 300 0.00 8.00 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 10-Kirk-Stoner ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS OF BOARD 30 SCORES MATCHPOINTS NAMES N-S E-W N-S E-W 420 1.00 7.00 2-Fields-Donovan vs 3-Kakuske-Williamson 50 0.00 8.00 3-Gryte-Christianson vs 5-Wang-Yant 450 3.00 5.00 4-Selker-Williams vs 7-Schertz-Unger 450 3.00 5.00 5-Schwartz-Beene vs 9-Yant-Solomon 490 8.00 0.00 6-Raimondo-Abbott vs 2-Burch-Malovos 450 3.00 5.00 7-Holland-Baron vs 4-LeWitter-Konop 460 5.00 3.00 8-Macdonald-Neal vs 6-Moore-Sheffield 480 6.50 1.50 9-Hardin-Houlgate-West vs 8-Rosel-Martin 480 6.50 1.50 10-Lapins-Arthurs vs 10-Kirk-Stoner ----------------------------------------------------------------------