PO Box 1032
Morro Bay, California 93443


9 April 1986
as amended, 16 April 1991 and 1 April 1992
as revised 25 November 1997
as revised 10 April 2012
as revised 18 September, 2018


The Morro Bay Charity Bridge Club, referred to as “Club,” offers competitive duplicate bridge in San Luis Obispo County, California. The Club is a non-profit organization under the auspices of the American Contract Bridge League (ACBL), which is represented locally by Unit #540. This relationship may be severed or altered only by a majority vote of the membership at a regular meeting, or at a special meeting called for this purpose.

The Club was created by community-minded citizens who are responsive to community and national charters, and to local charities.


The objectives of the Club are:

  1. To generate funds for community charities and to meet the obligation to the ACBL Charity foundation. All funds in excess of expenses are pledged for charitable purposes, as selected by the membership.

  1. To preserve and promote the best interest of duplicate bridge and any modification thereof.

  1. To cooperate with and assist ACBL Unit #540 in conducting special events as scheduled.

  1. To encourage the highest standards and ethics by all members, to actively promote such standards, and to accept responsibility for enforcing such standards.


  1. Any regular participant is considered a member.

  1. Monetary dues are not required.

  1. Members are eligible and encouraged to participate in club operations, membership on the Board of Directors (Board), or in any other capacity as required.

  1. ACBL membership is not a prerequisite, but is encouraged.

  1. The Board, by a 2/3 vote, may discipline or expel a Club member in accordance with the ACBL Handbook of Rules and Regulations.


  1. The annual membership meeting shall be held the second Tuesday in April.

  1. Notice of the meeting shall be announced at all events at least two weeks prior to the scheduled meeting.

  1. Special meetings may be called by the Board, or by a written petition of ten or more members.

  1. Meetings by petition are required to be held within 30 days. Two weeks notice must be given, and the primary agenda item prompting the meeting must be identified by petition. This item then has priority over all other matters.

  1. The quorum for a membership meeting shall be twenty members.

  1. Voting proxies are not allowed.


  1. Number: The Board of Directors, at full complement, shall consist of seven members. The three directors shall be elected for two year terms at alternate annual meetings and shall continue in office until a successor is elected and assumes office. The immediate past president shall automatically become the seventh director.

  1. Commencement of term: Directors shall take office at the next meeting of the board following their election.

  1. Vacancies: Vacancies shall be filled by election from the membership at large by the Board and, so elected, shall hold office for the balance of the term.

  1. Powers and Duties: The Board is empowered with complete authority to conduct Club affairs. The Board engages the services of a chief game director and Club Manager by contract. Duties can be delegated to Club officers and members, but the Club operations remains with the Board. 

  1. Standard Operating Procedures: The Board shall maintain a written “Standard Operating Procedure” document that is the guideline for the operating policy in conducting Club affairs.

  1. Meeting of the Board: The Board shall meet bi-monthly or as convenient with their schedules. Special meetings may be called by three directors or the President. Club members may attend meetings as observers and present items applicable to Club affairs. A member cannot be present when discipline matters are discussed.

  1. Absence from Meetings: The Board of Directors may, by majority vote, remove a Director who has been absent from three consecutive regular meetings.

  1. Quorum: A quorum of the Board shall constitute a majority of the members, not including the president.

  1. President: The president does not have a vote, but can cast the deciding vote in case of a tie.

  1. Club Manager: The Board shall appoint a Club Manager, who must be a member of the ACBL and who shall attend all meetings of the Board.

  1. Recall: The membership at large may recall the entire Board by secret ballot by majority vote at any duly constituted membership meeting.


  1. Club officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

  1. Board officers shall be elected by the Board at the first meeting after each annual meeting.

  1. Duties of the officers shall be those normal to the office, or as prescribed by the Board.

  1. Any officer may be impeached by 2/3’s vote of the entire Board. The person charged must be notified in writing of the scheduled impeachment hearing, provided a full opportunity to be heard, to cross-examine those testifying, and to be represented by counsel of his choice.


The President shall appoint committees to serve during his/her term of office, or at his/her pleasure, subject to the approval of the Board, which may include, but not be limited by, the following:

  1. Membership and Publicity: The duties of the Membership and Publicity Committee shall be to actively pursue and encourage participation by bridge players in the community. The Committee shall arrange newspaper and other media coverage as appropriate to publicize the Club events.

  1. Hospitality: The Hospitality Committee shall be responsible for the arrangements of all special events.

  1. Nominating Committee: In March of each year, the President of the Board shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three persons, including one member of the Board, who shall:

a. Prepare a list of nominees (who have agreed to accept a position on the Board) to cover upcoming vacancies.

b. Place these names, along with any nominations from the floor, in nomination at the Annual meeting.

  1. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.


  1. 1) Amendments to the By-laws may be proposed by a Board member, or by a member of the Club, upon petition signed by at least ten members and submitted to the Secretary at least three weeks in advance of the Annual meeting, or a special meeting called for this purpose. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to incorporate the text of the proposed amendment in the notice of the meeting.

  1. 2) A concurrence of 2/3’s of all members voting shall be required for adoption.

  1. 3) Amendments become effective upon adoption, or as provided by the amendment, if a later date is specified.


Upon dissolution of the Club, the remaining assets shall be distributed to community or national charities, local charities as determined by the Board, after payment of debts and liabilities.


Parliamentary authority for the Club membership and Board of Directors meetings shall be according to the latest edition of Roberts Rules of Order, except as provided in these By-laws and amendments.