San Luis Obispo Duplicate Bridge Club

Board Minutes for August 10, 2012


The meeting was called to order by Bill Ringbom, President, at 3:57  p.m.  Board Members Bill Donovan, Mary Neal, Judy Obermeier, Bill Ringbom, Dolores Soll, and Jean Wilson were present as well as Barbara Weiss, Manager.  Gene Edgerton was absent.


Minutes of the July 13, 2012 meeting were reviewed and approved.


Treasurer’s Report:  The bank balance as of July 31 was $2214.42.  Net income for July was $57.25. The month’s table count was 111 1/2.  Mary also reported that our major donor has given back the $500. we had returned, with the proviso that the money be used to purchase equipment as the needs arise.  Mary has purchased two fans at the donor’s request and has put the balance in an account called “equipment purchases.”


Club Manager’s Report:   (1) Barbara has removed the Norton Anti-virus from the club’s computer because it makes the computer slower and we don’t go on line.  (2)  Directors generally have discretion to organize play but they need to direct the “best” and most fair movement in the case of STAC or NAP games.  The best games allow each pair to play all hands and with every opposite pair.


Old Business:  Leda Fields and Bob Clark have agreed to run for positions on the Board.  The election will be held at the General Meeting before the game on Friday, September 21.


New Business:  (1 )  Morro Bay will get a  shuffling/dealing machine next month.  The Morro Bay club is raising its fees to $5.00 per game for all games.  (2)  Bill reported that Charles Littlejohn has offered the Chumash Casino for a possible Regional Tournament.  The offer includes free space and room discounts.  This would be available in 2014 but District 22 indicates there is not much chance.  The District is allowed four tournaments a year; 3 are held in the Los Angeles area and 1 in Santa Barbara.  Bill reports there is some talk of forming a separate District to include the Central Coast, Bakersfield, and Fresno.  This would require a good bit of work. (3) Judy reported some players complaining about fans being too strong.  We need to try to seat people who have a problem with the fans so that they are not directly under or directly in line with a fan.


The meeting adjourned at 4:37 p.m.  If a September meeting is necessary it will follow the General Meeting and the game on Friday, September 21.  Otherwise, the next Board meeting will be after the game on Friday, October 12.

Respectfully submitted,

Dolores Soll, Secretary