San Luis Obispo Duplicate Bridge Club

Board Minutes for July 13, 2012


The meeting was called to order by Bill Ringbom, President, at 4:02 p.m.  Board Members Bill Donovan, Mary Neal, Bill Ringbom, Dolores Soll, and Jean Wilson were present as well as Barbara Weiss, Manager.  Gene Edgerton and Judy Obermeier were absent.


Minutes of the May 11, 2012 meeting were reviewed and approved.  (The Board did not meet in June.)


Treasurer’s Report:  The bank balance as of May 31 was $1,346.94.  Net income for May was a loss of $322.4 with only 94 tables due to the Sectional. Also, Barbara bought extra supplies.  The  balance at the end of June was $1,507.17.   The month’s table count was 113.  Mary also reported that A.G. has now given us $100 for the shuffling machine. She paid the Post Office rent of $76 and has filed an income tax return.  We are now allowed $50,000 yearly income as a non-profit tax-free organization.


Club Manager’s Report:  Barbara reports STAC games next week and 3 NAP games in August before the game on Aug 11.  There will be All Western STAC games at the end of August. We can have a Swiss Team game in October as well as a Pro-Am which pays a fraction of gold points without cost to us.


Old Business:  (1) Bill R. reported that the Morro Bay club has now decided to purchase its own machine and the Paso Robles club will participate in our machine.  The Unit Board will give us $500 on Paso Robles’ behalf and we will return it to our major donor.  Paso will furnish its own boards and a person to assist with the set-up.  They will pay $50 quarterly toward maintenance costs and $15 a month for hand records.  (2) There has been Unit discussion on holding Unit championlship games  when all the clubs have started using the machines.  The Pro-Am game organized by Leda Fields will be on August 18 at 11:30 and will include a potluck lunch. (3) The NAP games in early August will allow our club players to qualify for the NAP Unit game on August 11.


New Business:  (1) Following Barbara’s report, the Board decided to have 2 Swiss Team games in October: one Pro-Am on Monday and 1 on Friday.  Janice Vivrette week games will be in addition to Swiss Team games (i.e., 3 pair games).  (2) Board elections will be held in September.  The terms of Gene Edgerton, Bill Donovan, and Dolores Soll are expiring.  Bill reported that Gene Edgerton will leave the Board.  He has talked with Bob Clark about running for that space.  Bill Donovan will run again.  Dolores Soll will step down if another member is available.  Bill Donovan will ask Leda Fields to run.  Bill Ringbom suggested that Board members ask around to see if there are other persons interested in a Board position. 


The meeting adjourned at 4:32 p.m.  The next meeting will follow the game on Friday, August 10, 2012.

Respectfully submitted,

Dolores Soll, Secretary