Minutes for
The meeting was called to order by Bill Ringbom, President, at
Minutes of the
Treasurer’s Report: The bank balance as of April 30 was
$1,619.38. Net income for April was
$147.82. The month’s table count was
117. Mary reported the insurance policy
discussed last month has been received.
Club Manager’s Report: Barbara asked for clarification on when, or if, tables will be set
up by The Department of Parks and Recreation’s personnel. Bill D. will ask for clarification of the
policy at the next Senior Center Board Meeting.
Old Business:
(1) Bill R. reported that the
New Business:
(1) Torre Houlgate-West dropped by the meeting to ask that we form a
club policy and inform our directors on the procedures
for calling an appeals committee when a player wants to appeal from a judgment
call of a director. Bill R. is asking
Barbara to look into this. (2) Leda
Fields wants to organize a pro-am game on the first or third Saturday in
August. Barbara Hardin is available to
direct. Bill R. will discuss details with Leda.
(3) Bill D. will inquire at the
Senior Center Board meeting regarding use of an alternate room, such as the
conference room, by the Wednesday evening Book Club so that the inner room can
be left open to improve air circulation during Wednesday evening games.
The meeting was
adjourned at
Respectfully submitted,
Dolores Soll, Secretary