San Luis Obispo Duplicate Bridge Club

Board Minutes for June 3, 2011



The meeting was called to order by Bill Ringbom, President, at 4:02 p.m.  Board Members Sonia Mary Neal,  Bill Ringbom, Dolores Soll, and Jean Wilson were present, as well as Barbara Weiss, Manager.  Sonia Arsene, Gene Edgerton, and Judy Obermeier were absent.


Minutes of the May 6, 2011 meeting were reviewed and approved.


Treasurer’s Report:  May income exceeded expenditures by $174.12.  The table count was 112 and 1/2, including STAC games which engendered additional table fee costs.  Donations for the shuffling machine totaled $108.27.  The bank balance at the end of May was $2,870.15 (including the donated funds).


Club Manager’s Report:  (1) Barbara provided a calendar for June games which includes Ann Dyer Week games and other NAP games.  The playing fee for NAP games will be $5.  After discussion it was decided to drop the Ann Dyer Saturday game from the schedule.  (2)  Because whole pots of decaf coffee are not being consumed, Barbara will make instant decaf available.  (3)  Barbara expressed a concern about lessons on Mondays in Morro Bay competing with our club’s lessons, but it was the consensus that Barbara’s well prepared Monday pre-game lessons, which have been very well received, will continue to speak for themselves.


Old Business:  (1) Ways to increase donations for the dealing machine were discussed.  Bill will make periodic announcements and the chart will be marked to show progress.  Bill also reported that Arroyo Grande had expressed some interest in joining in the dealing machine purchase; however, it was decided not to pursue this at the present time. (2)  We will not have Pro-Am games this year.


New Business:   There was no new business.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m.  The next meeting will be after the game on Friday,

July 1.

Respectfully submitted,

Dolores Soll, Secretary