San Luis Obispo Duplicate Bridge Club

Board Minutes for November 5, 2010



The meeting was called to order by Bill Ringbom, President, at 4:09 p.m.  Board Members Sonia Arsene, Gene Edgerton, Mary Neal, Judy Obermeier, Bill Ringbom, Dolores Soll, and Jean Wilson were present, as well as Barbara Weiss, Manager. 


Minutes of the October 1, 2010 meeting were reviewed and approved.


Treasurer’s Report:  Net income for October was $52.48.  The bank balance at the end of October was $2,026.33, including an additional Bridgemate donation of $60.  (Another $125 donation was received this week.)  The table count for October was 110.  We received a thank you letter from Hospice for the donation in memory of Torre’s mother.

Club Manager’s Report:  (1) We will use an enhanced club championship for the December 3 party game.  (2)  Even though we now have Bridgemate it is sometimes hard for the Director to play.  The Director should play only when necessary to complete a table and whether or not to fill in is the Director’s option. (3)  Some members would prefer not to have the “traveling scores” on the Bridgemate because they feel it slows the game.  (As Board members were divided on the matter, the discussion was tabled until a future meeting.)  (4) The team game during Janice Vivrette week went well but it was recognized that whoever wins the team game will win the “trophy.”  Barbara suggests that future team games not be part of the Janice Vivrette week.  Barbara Hardin was paid for directing plus caddying the team game.  She also did the partnering.  (5) Marion Middleton will again provide pizza for the last Friday in December.


Old Business:  The Christmas party will be December 3.  It was agreed to charge $7.00 to play, with lunch included.  Barbara reported that Something Cooking caterers could provide a menu to include ham, scalloped potatoes, and bread for $700.  Mary reported that three entries, 2 salads and bread could be provided by Mama’s Meatballs for $615.  A motion was approved to order the food from Mama’s Meatballs.  Bill will get desserts (3 cheesecakes, 1 pumpkin pie and 1 apple pie) from  Costco.  Mary will donate placemats and Barbara has the plates and napkins.  We won’t decorate.  Jean Wilson will buy drinks and Barbara will bring serving utensils.  Lunch will be at 12:00.  Mary will order the food and ask for 11:45 delivery.


New Business:  (1) The Unit is using our Bridgemate for Unit games.  It was decided we would discuss battery costs at the time they are needed.  (2) After Barbara was excused from the meeting, there was discussion about year-end bonuses.  A motion was approved to pay Mike and Barbara $150 each and Fred $100.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:52 p.m.  The next meeting will be after the game on Friday, December 3, 2010.

Respectfully submitted,

Dolores Soll, Secretary