San Luis Obispo Duplicate Bridge Club

Board Minutes for October 1, 2010


The meeting was called to order by Bill Ringbom, President, at 4:27 p.m. Board Members Sonia Arsene, Gene Edgerton, Mary Neal, Judy Obermeier, Bill Ringbom, and Dolores Soll were present, as well as Barbara Weiss, Manager. Board Member Jean Wilson was absent.

Minutes of the September 3, 2010 meeting were reviewed and approved as corrected. (Correction: change "bidding boxes" to "Bridgemate.")

Treasurer’s Report: Net income for August was $442.18. The bank balance as of August 31 was $5,498.02. In September we had a net cost of $2,385.40 for Bridgemate. (The initial Bridgemate cost of $3,049.40 was offset by donations of $664.00.) We also paid $219.57 for three new bridge tables. The table count for September was 103, a slow month due, probably, to Seniors traveling. Our bank balance as of September 30 was $1,973.85. The loss for September was $2,507.95.

Club Manager’s Report: (1) Janice Vivrette week will be from October 18 to October 22. The Friday October 22 game will be for Swiss Teams. (2) There will be an NAP game on Saturday, October 23. The Ventura Regional is the last week of October. (3) Help is needed to set up for games and clean up after games and recognition needs to be given to those who do help. Barbara is posting lists of the necessary tasks in appropriate places. (4) Should we have a STAC game in December? (It was unanimously agreed to skip it this time.) (5) Our Bridgemate is programmed to allow players to compare scores from previous play of the hands. There is a question as to whether this makes the games too long. (Further discussion on this topic was postponed until next month.)

Old Business: Bill reported that two extra Bridgemate units have been received along with a receipt showing a zero balance.

New Business: (1) The Board welcomed new member Sonia Arsene and elected Board officers for the new year: Bill Ringbom, President; Judy Obermeier, Vice President; Mary Neal, Treasurer; and Dolores Soll, Secretary. (2) It was brought to the Board’s attention that Torre Houlgate has not been receiving pay for her Wednesday night lessons. It was moved and approved that Torre receive pay of $15 per lesson for both past and future lessons. (3) The Christmas party was tentatively set for Friday December 3 or Friday December 10. A motion was approved to charge members $7. Barbara is checking food prices with Something Cooking caterers and Mary will check prices at Mama’s Meatballs. Further discussion about the party was tabled until next month’s meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:13 p.m. The next meeting will be after the game on Friday, November 5, 2010.

Respectfully submitted,

Dolores Soll, Secretary