San Luis Obispo Duplicate Bridge Club

Board Minutes for July 2, 2010


The meeting was called to order by Bill Ringbom, President, at 4:08 p.m. Board Members Gene Edgerton, Mary Neal, Bill Ringbom, Dolores Soll, and Jean Wilson, were joined later in the meeting by Bud Zeuschner. Barbara Weiss, Manager, also attended. Board Member Judy Obermeier was absent.

Minutes of the June 4, 2010 meeting were reviewed and approved as corrected. (The bank balance as of May 31 was corrected to $3,073.71.)

Treasurer’s Report: Mary was unable to report for the month of June as she had not yet received a bank statement. (By a subsequent e-mail she reported a June30, 2010 bank balance of $3,543.11. Income for the month was $2,089 with income exceeding expenditures by $469.40. There were 101 tables during June.)

Old Business: (1) Bill reported that we are still paying the Senior Center $1.00 a table and he has not been contacted by the city or the Center for another meeting. (2) Our annual meeting will be September 24 at 12:15 – pizza day- at which time we will elect new board members. The terms of Gene, Bud, and Dolores are expiring. Gene would be available if necessary but would prefer to leave. Bud is unable to continue due to work obligations. Dolores agreed to stay on if elected. Gina Kirk has indicated a desire to be on the Board and Sonia Arsene has agreed to serve. Additional nominations will be accepted from the floor at the annual meeting.

Club Manager’s Report: (1) We have earned an enhanced game (i.e. more points) that we can use for the annual meeting. (2) We have hot dogs, beans, and buns left from the Swiss Team day game. It was agreed Barbara would e-mail players that they will be served on Monday, July 5. (3) Fred Strong would like to direct on Wednesday nights on a regular basis. Barbara Hardin and Torre Houlgate are available to sub, as needed. As Floyd is presently incapacitated from his injury, Bill will talk with him regarding future plans. (4) Barbara reported that the refreshment system is working out well but that, as we are still paying $1.00 a table, she will purchase cheese for the crackers we have on hand as well as more hard candy. (5) Regarding the Zero tolerance policy, we need to try to get people to call the Director when there is a problem.


New Business: (1) Gary Yant and Dolores Soll were Ann Dyer week winners. The Board decided to give mugs for both Ann Dyer and Janice Vivrette winners. Mary will order them. (2) Some members have expressed concern about games starting late. The Board discussed ways to be sure games start promptly. Recommendations included arranging the tables in the same order each time to avoid confusion and having the boards on tables in advance so people know where to sit after registering.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:48 p.m. The next meeting will be on Friday, August 6, 2010.

Respectfully submitted,

Dolores Soll, Secretary