San Luis Obispo Duplicate Bridge Club
Board Minutes for June 4, 2010
The meeting was called to order by Bill Ringbom, President, at 4:05 p.m. Present were Board Members Mary Neal, Judy Obermeier, Bill Ringbom, Dolores Soll, Jean Wilson and Bud Zeuschner, as well as Barbara Weiss, Manager, and Torre Houlgate. Board Member Gene Edgerton was absent.
Minutes of the May 7, 2010 meeting were reviewed and approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Mary reported expenditures in May exceeded income by $153.20 The bank balance as of May 31 was $3,073.31. We had a total of 81 and ½ tables for the month. Expenditures included paying Torre $15 for one lesson. Mary also reported our receiving a letter of appreciation from Pat Kowal for the club’s donation to the Central Coast Fund for Children in memory of Len Kowal.
Old Business: (1) Torre reported that a novice game on Wednesday evenings would be preceded by her lesson. Barbara Hardin or Torre had planned to direct the novice game, but Fred wants to do so, so Barbara and Torre will play. The start has been slow because of late notice but e-mails will be sent to those who might be interested. No point limit has, as yet, been set for the game. (2) Bill reported meeting with the Department of Parks & Recreation representative again but, as of now, there is no signed contract. Apparently other clubs use the city facilities without paying rent so the city is reviewing the situation. For the time being, we will table discussion of raising our fees to $5.00. (3) Following a discussion on refreshment costs, a motion was made and approved to limit refreshments provided by the club to tea, coffee, and pretzels (after our present supplies run out.)
Club Manager’s Report: (1) Barbara suggested another way to cut expenses would be to hold District 22 and 23 STAC games in July, rather than Western Conference, so we pay ACBL $5.00 a table instead of the $6 required for Western Conference STAC games. There would be no hand records so we would also save the fee paid to directors for setting up hands. A motion was made and approved to follow this suggestion. (2) Ann Dyer week is coming up. We will have North American Pairs qualifying games with ½ red and ½ black points being awarded. The fee will be $5. We will also have a Swiss Teams game on the final Saturday of June which will be directed by Barbara Hardin.
New Business: (1) The terms of Bud Zeuschner, Gene Edgerton, and Dolores Soll will be up in September. The election will take place at our annual meeting. (2) $50 was authorized for a contribution of refreshments for the event being planned in memory of Georgina Kakuske.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. The next meeting will be on Friday, July 2, 2010..
Respectfully submitted,
Dolores Soll, Secretary