San Luis Obispo Duplicate Bridge Club
Board Minutes for May 7, 2010
The meeting was called to order by Bill Ringbom, President, at 4:10 p.m. Present were Board Members Mary Neal, Bud Zeuschner, Bill Ringbom, and Jean Wilson, as well as Barbara Weiss, Club Manager. Absent members: Gene Edgerton, Dolores Soll and Judy Obermeier.
Minutes of the April 2, 2010 meeting were reviewed and approved.
Treasurer’s Report: The Club’s bank balance as of April 30 was $3,226.91. April’s income exceeded expenses by $20. There were 91 tables in April with the last Friday dark because of the Santa Maria Sectional. Table count was up 3 from last year.
Club Manager’s Report: Nothing to report
Old Business: Bill reported on the meeting held with Dick Flanders (Senior Center) and Sheridan Bohlken (SLO Park & Rec). The Senior Center wants to increase our rent from $1 per table to $3 per table. Bill agreed to the new rate. This will be the same rate for all games played at the Senior Center (including the Saturday Unit Game). The discussion ranged on various methods to pay for this increase or to reduce the expenses in other areas. Suggested were to increase table fees, OR (1) eliminating the Wednesday night game (which continues to be a drain on our account), (2) eliminating Free Plays, (3) eliminating Pizza Day, (4) eliminating all refreshments (except coffee & tea) and asking members to bring snacks (5) eliminating club paid Christmas party, (6) other ideas?
A motion to eliminate Free Plays was made, seconded and unanimously approved.
Mary made an analysis of the break-even point for the Wednesday night game and determined we needed 6 tables. It was mentioned that Torre’s new beginner group on Wednesday could be a possible source of new players to arrive at that 6 table point.
A motion to leave game schedule and refreshments as it currently is and continue this at our next meeting was made, seconded and unanimously approved.
Some board members expressed concern with raising the table fees to $5 for all games, stating the possibility of losing players to Morro Bay if they can play there for $4. It was mentioned that Morro Bay charged $6 or $7 for their STaC game on Tuesday. It was suggested that Morro Bay might be looking to raise their table fess to $5 also. Bill will speak with George Sheffield and see if that is the case and then we both can increase to $5.
It was suggested that the Unit Board could meet at the Saturday Unit Game, rather than the 2nd Friday in the conference room which the Seniors have reserved for other uses. Bill will suggest this to Gary Yant.
New Business: Nothing to report
The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m. The next meeting will be on Friday, June 4th.
Respectfully submitted,
Bill Ringbom, President