San Luis Obispo Duplicate Bridge Club
Board Minutes for January 15, 2010
The meeting was called to order by Bill Ringbom, President, at 4:15 p.m. Present were Board Members Mary Neal, Judy Obermeier, Bill Ringbom, Dolores Soll, and Jean Wilson, as well as Barbara Weiss, Manager. Absent members: Gene Edgerton and Bud Zeuschner.
Minutes of the December 4, 2009 meeting were reviewed and approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Mary reported the Club’s bank balance as of December 31, 2009, to be $2,637.17. December’s expenses exceeded income by $707.38, primarily because of the Christmas party. Also, due to the closure of the Senior Center for the holiday period, there were only 79.5 tables in December. Our bank balance at the end of 2009 was $681.24 greater than the 2008 year-end balance. Mary attributes this largely to the success of the beginner games.
Club Manager’s Report: (1) Barbara passed out the written schedule for game in 2010. (2) The old black tables we have been using when we have a large group are worn out. Barbara recommended we purchase 3 new, smaller size, tables which would also help with the overcrowding we experience when all tables are in use. Dolores agreed to price tables at Bed, Bath and Beyond. (3) Barbara will replace the pencil sharpener which disappeared over the holidays.
Old Business: There was a general discussion on club organization and procedures with a view to being sure games start on time and that announcements need not be made during play of the hands. It was suggested that Barbara ask for volunteers from any of the Board members to help distribute materials at the beginning of games to be sure tables are ready and games started in a timely manner. The supply situation was also discussed as some directors have had difficulty finding needed materials. Mary, Judy, and Dolores agreed to meet Barbara at 10:00 on Monday morning, January 18, to re-organize and label our cabinets. The Club cabinets in the kitchen are now identified by red dots on the doors and we have been authorized to have keys. Barbara, Bill, Mike and Fred will be key holders.
New Business: (1) Barbara reported a name-calling incident, witnessed by Jean Wilson, which occurred between players just before the game today. Apparently a player made loud, disparaging remarks about another player which were overheard by the husband of the person to whom he referred. The husband took exception to the remarks and some angry words were exchanged. It was agreed that the behavior described is inappropriate. Players who have a complaint should make their views known to Barbara or to Bill Ringbom as president, in a discreet manner. Barbara, or other directors, can assign pairs so that they do not have to play opposite someone they find objectionable. We do have a zero tolerance policy. If Bill is made aware of inappropriate or unethical behaviors, he will speak to those involved and decide what steps to take. (2) It is our Club’s turn to provide the Saturday refreshments at the Sectional in Arroyo Grande at the end of February. After much discussion it was agreed that Bill would purchase donuts and other pastries for the morning and that our club members would be asked to provide snacks to be available between games and throughout the day. (3) Judy suggested we look for one or more people who might be interested in directing. It was suggested the Unit might be willing to help with training expenses. Bill will take this up at the Unit meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 p.m. The next meeting will be on Friday, February 5.
Respectfully submitted,
Dolores Soll, Secretary