Minutes of the San Luis Obispo Duplicate Bridge Club Meeting
Friday, October 9, 2009
- Meeting called to order at 4:10 by the President, Bill Ringbom.
- Attendance: Bill Ringbom, Jean Wilson, Mary Neal, Barbara Weiss, Gene Edgerton, and Bud Zeuschner. Absent: Dolores Soll and Judy Obermeier
- The minutes from the Sept. 25 General Meeting were accepted as presented with thanks to Dolores.
- The Treasurer reported a positive bank balance of $3, 204.50. We bought a new printer (at great discount) and had to cancel two Wednesday night games, resulting in a negative $118 for September. We had only 101 tables for the month, as opposed to 145 the month before. MSP to accept the Treasurer’s Report with appreciation to Mary.
- Managers Report continued the discussion of trying to increase the number of players for Wednesday night, the best strategy being to contact players personally, especially at the Monday game to encourage their participation. Barbara reported on the importance of guaranteeing a 199 section for the Monday game, and suggested a free play to the winner of that game. Approved. She also reported on the upcoming STAC games December 5-11, except Friday will be a unit game and party luncheon. She presented a small whiteboard for announcements, and indicated we will continue to print reports for the record book. Manager’s Report accepted with thanks to Barbara for all her good work.
- Old Business
- Gene Edgerton reported on the Pro-Am Mixer for October 31. Gene will coordinate player sign ups and matches, while Bud will coordinate refreshments. Bill R. volunteered to bring sandwiches. (Note: Bud will be gone from Oct. 13 to Oct. 29).
- The Holiday Party for Dec. 11 was discussed, with enthusiastic agreement to ask Dixie Hsu to arrange for Chinese food. There needs to be a general reminder that Bingo players are using the room until about 11:45, so parking will also be scarce until after that. The plan is to serve buffet style using the kitchen island at 12, and then play about 12:30. The cost for lunch and game will be $8, with the club subsidizing the difference.
- New Business
- The entire slate of current officers was re-elected to their current positions, with appreciation the Jean Wilson for taking over registration manager duties, and to Gene Edgerton for chairing the novice/99ers.
- Meeting adjourned at 4:33 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Bud Zeuschner, Secretary pro tem