San Luis Obispo Duplicate Bridge Club
Board Minutes for July 3, 2009
The meeting was called to order by Bill Ringbom, President, at 11:45 a.m. Present were Board Members Bill Ringbom, Mary Neal, Bud Zeuschner, Gene Edgerton, and Jean Wilson, as well as Barbara Weiss, Manager.
Minutes were not reviewed nor approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Mary reported a current bank balance of $4017.07. Net income for April was <56.50>, for May <131.67> and for June 703.22 (with ACBL table fees and rent not yet paid). The positive result in June is due primarily to the increased table count (122.5), particularly on the Monday and Wednesday games. The additional game this month (PROAM) also contributed to this increase in table count. With the addition of the 199er section for the Monday & Wednesday games, adding on average 3 tables to each game, it is projected that the run of slightly negative or break-even months have come to an end.
Club Manager’s Report: Barbara has asked for help calling beginners for the 199er games on Mondays & Wednesdays. She has email for most of them and it was suggested that she send an email asking them to confirm back to her their intentions. Barbara was also concerned about Director filling in to complete a movement, that it may negatively impact the quality of the game. She personally feels that it should not be done. Bill pointed out, that on Wednesday evenings it was necessary sometimes to avoid a 4 board sit-out in a 3 ½ table game. It was noted that Floyd Redman and Fred Strong did not have a problem with filling in and it was suggested that maybe the game director should be the one to make the decision at game time. Mike Shipsey (our Monday director) will be asked for his feeling on this.
Old Business:
Ann Dyer Week was a success culminating with the PROAM on Saturday with 10 tables. With Gene out-of-town for most of the PROAM preparations, Barbara did an outstanding job in organizing and directing the game. Many, many positive comments, nothing negative reported. Bud volunteered to coordinate the next PROAM scheduled for October 31 (the end of Janice Vivrette week). Genevieve Konop won the Ann Dyer Trophy with 6.33 points for the week. Sonia Arsene lead the 199ers with 3.24 points. It was motioned and unanimously approved to fill the last two available spaces on the trophy with this years winners and then retire it. Future winners of Ann Dyer Week will be rewarded with a personalized coffee mug (recognizing their achievement) and 2 free plays to be used at their discretion. It was also decided to award 2-free plays to this years winners. Barbara said she would produce appropriate "Free Play" certificates.
New Business:
Compensation for lessons (before the game, 1 hour or less) was discussed. Bill (teaching Wednesday group) suggested that $1 per person was all that could be expected from the students on top of game fees. Compensation (from the club) above this was briefly discussed with Bill stating that the $1 per student covered expenses and was sufficient.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:08 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bill Ringbom, president