The meeting was called to order by Bill Ringbom, President, at 4:07 p.m. Present were Board Members Gene Edgerton, Mary Neal, Judy Obermeier, Bill Ringbom, Dolores Soll, Jean Wilson, and Bud Zeuschner, as well as Barbara Weiss, Manager.
Minutes of the November 7 meeting were reviewed and approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Mary reported a bank balance of $4,590.07, with a total income of $1,635. and a net income of $113. for the preceding month. The table count for the month was only 96.5 because of holiday closures.
Club Manager’s Report: (1) Barbara suggested a membership game early in the year, where only ACBL members can earn points – an effort to boost ACBL membership. (2) She also suggested a member/guest game and, after discussion, agreed to speak with Kandi about inviting volunteers to partner with Kandi’s students in a Monday night game. (3) Barbara will pursue the idea of having a novice game on Fridays simultaneously with the open game. She feels she can direct both. (4) Kandi would like to direct on Monday afternoons and Mike is willing to be a substitute. Kandi wants to maintain the Monday evening games. (5) Fred is interested in continuing the Wednesday night game. Barbara will speak with him about playing as the director and storage problems. (6) Barbara suggests we invite Jeanne Mercier and Kaye Knight to the Christmas party. (Mary Neal will call them.) (7) The Senior Center kitchen will still have the plumbed coffee maker when the remodeling is complete. (8) The Board needs to decide how many STAC games will continue to be subsidized. (9) The Ludwick Center will be closed from December 22 through January 4.
Old Business:
Return to Senior Center: It was moved that we return to the Senior Center when it becomes available because we have keys and have priority on the space. Motion passed. Mary Neal indicated her husband would be available, with trailer, to assist in the move. Arrangements will be made for additional help once we have a return date.
Christmas Party: Sixty-four people signed up at this point. Judy will order food for 80: 2 meat lasagna trays, 2 artichoke & chicken trays, and 2 salad trays. Bread is included. Delivery should be set for 11:30. Bud will buy 4 gallons of iced tea at Trader Joe’s. Bill will obtain desserts (1 pumpkin pie, 1 apple pie, 1 pecan pie, and 2 cheesecakes) from Costco. Barbara will get plates, cups, and cutlery. Dolores will buy tablecloths, placemats, and candy canes. Bill, Barbara, and Dolores will bring pie servers, serving spoons, and salad servers. Board members should arrive about 11:00 to set up for the party.
Year-end Bonuses for Directors: The Board voted to give $100 to each regular director; i.e., Barbara, Floyd, Fred, Kandi, and Mike and $50 to Barbara Hardin.
Other Old Business: Judy reported the e-mailing for partners is working out. Players can send their own e-mail to the list but some are depending upon her to do the e-mailing - which she is willing to do when in town. Subsidizing of STAC games and other playing fees will be considered after the first of the year.
New Business: None.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:01 p.m. The next meeting will be after the game on Friday, January 9.
Respectfully submitted,
Dolores Soll, Secretary