The meeting was called to order by Bill Ringbom, President, at 3:55 p.m. Present were Board Members Mary Neal, Judy Obermeier, Bill Ringbom, Dolores Soll, and Jean Wilson, as well as Barbara Weiss, Manager. Gene Edgerton and Bud Zeuschner were absent.
Minutes of the October 3 meeting were reviewed and approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Mary reported a bank balance of $4,476.95, with a net income for the preceding month of $109.28. The table count for the month was 130, the highest number in many months.
Club Manager’s Report: (1) Barbara reported that her surgery has been postponed until December 16 so she will be here for the Christmas party. (2) STAC games are scheduled for December 8 – 12th. (3) We need to expand the Wednesday evening game because it takes 5 – 6 tables on a regular basis to break even. Discussion on this point failed to produce any definitive plan. (4) Playing directors are still somewhat of a problem but it doesn’t seem we can make a hard and fast rule. (5) There will be a game the day after Thanksgiving if enough players are interested. It will be a pizza day. (6) Marian Middleton usually provides December pizza but the Center will be closed the last Friday of December. Marian would like to have it the first week of January. (7) The Ludwick Center will be closed 12/15 and 12/19 so no games are scheduled those dates. (8) Barbara will not be making coffee for future games as it interferes with setting up for the games she is directing. (Judy will bring in a 12-cup coffee pot which should make the process more convenient.)
Old Business:
Janice Vivrette Week: Mary got another trophy mug and presented it to Pat Hallock.
Christmas Party: Final plans will be made at the December 5 Board meeting. In the meantime, Mary will start accepting money and reservations: $6. for bridge, with lunch being free; $12. for lunch for non-playing guests. Judy will be out of town at party time on Friday, December 12 but will order food from Upper Crust before she leaves. We will plan to buy pies at Costco for dessert. We will check with Kandi regarding decorations.
Kandi’s Bridge Lessons: Kandi got responses to her ad in the Tribune and is starting her new series of classes tonight, Friday, November 7. The Monday evening game, with a short lesson, will continue.
New Business: A number of members have expressed interest in continuing games at the Ludwick Center rather than returning to the Senior Center. After discussing the pros and cons, it was decided Barbara should contact Sheridan (by e-mail) to check the following: Under what conditions would it be possible for us to remain at Ludwick (i.e., fees, etc.); when is the parking lot at the Senior Center to be available; is plumbing for the coffee service included in the kitchen remodel at the Senior Center; and what dates will the Ludwick Center be closed for the holidays?
The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. The next meeting will be on Friday, December 5, after the game.
Respectfully submitted,
Dolores Soll, Secretary