The meeting was called to order by Bill Ringbom, President, at 4:02 p.m. Present were Board Members Sandy Hartley (outgoing member), Mary Neal, Judy Obermeier, Bill Ringbom, Dolores Soll, Bud Zeuschner and Barbara Weiss, Manager. Absent were Jean Wilson and Gene Edgerton (new member).
Minutes of the September 9 meeting were reviewed and approved as corrected.
Treasurer’s Report: Mary reported a bank balance of $4,483.67, with a net loss for September of $284.51. September expenses for refreshments/supplies were again high and the table count was low: 111 tables for the month compared with 128.5 tables in August. We will review our financial situation and player fees after the beginning of the year.
Club Manager’s Report: (1) The coffee makers we are using are very slow. Someone needs to arrive early (11:45) before Monday and Friday games to start the coffee. (2) We have 2 Unit games. One was scheduled for August but we had a STAC game instead. One is for the Christmas party. It was decided to have the second unit game on October 31, Pizza day, and at the same time to recognize "unsung hero" members; i.e., those who have performed extra services for the club. Barbara will provide names of those to be recognized. (3) We are still paying the Wednesday night director $25 more than the other director fees even though there is only one section and the chairs and tables are set up in advance. (4) Barbara’s next surgery will be on December 8. (5) Barbara Hardin will deliver needed supplies next week.
Old Business:
Janice Vivrette Week: Janice Vivrette week will start on Wednesday, October 8. The Pro-Am game is on Saturday, October 11. Board members admired the small engraved mugs Mary purchased. The mugs each cost approximately $25, including engraving costs. It was decided not to have individual winner names engraved.
Other Old Business: (1) Judy will be out of town at party time on Friday, December 12 but will order food from Upper Crust before she leaves. (2) Kandi’s lessons for beginners cannot proceed on Friday morning as planned as the Center is not available. Barbara has asked her to consider Monday a.m. Barbara will continue working with Kandi to come up with a workable schedule. (3) Dolores reported she could find no Zero Tolerance cards in the Barclay catalog. It was agreed that it would be a good idea to have them in each bidding box and suggested we could possibly make them.
New Business:
Wednesday Night Director Fees: A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to pay the Wednesday night directors the same fee as is paid to directors for other games; i.e., $60.
Playing Directors: A number of members approached various board members with a concern that a player was sent home on Friday even though the Director was playing (in a game arranged prior to the time he was asked to direct on Friday in Kandi’s stead.) Barbara was not aware that a game had been arranged. It was decided that in future Barbara will ask about any planned game when asking a director to fill in as was the case this week. It is club policy that a director may play when necessary to make up a full table but not to make up a half table.
Player Complaint Relative to a Director’s Ruling: A player called Bill with a complaint about a ruling made by the Director last Friday. Bill talked to the Director and to several witnesses, including some Board members, and it was determined that the Director’s ruling was appropriately made within the Zero Tolerance rule as the player would not allow other players at the table to express their points of view even though asked several times by the director to do so. After the initial ruling, the Director had to return to the table because the player continued expressing her differences with the other players and the Director and was disturbing players at surrounding tables. It was agreed that the player was not entitled to a review committee because the Director’s ruling was based on Zero Tolerance rather than on the "Laws." Bill will talk with the player to explain the position. If she is still not satisfied, she will be advised she may take up the matter with the Unit Ethics Committee.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m. The next meeting will be on Friday, November 7, after the game.
Respectfully submitted,
Dolores Soll, Secretary