Here are the minutes of the September meeting. I cannot find a Zero Tolerance crd listed in the Barclay catalog.
The meeting was called to order by Bill Ringbom, President, at 3:55 p.m. Present were Board Members Mary Neal, Kandi Osborne, Bill Ringbom, Dolores Soll, and Jean Wilson.
Minutes of the August 1 meeting were reviewed and approved.
Treasurerʼs Report: Mary reported a bank balance as of August 30 of $2,734.67, with a net loss for August of $19. August expenses were greater than usual because of special games (i.e. STAC & NAOP) and Barbara spent almost $300 stocking up on refreshments and supplies. There were 128.5 tables in August.
Club Managerʼs Report: Barbara Weiss has communicated by e-mail because of her surgery.
Old Business:
Annual Elections: Elections scheduled for the general meeting on September 26 need to be announced. Names for the ballot are Gene Edgerton, Dolores Soll, and Bud Zeuschner. Bill will check to be sure Gene is aware that meetings are held the first Friday of each month after the game.
New Business:
The Janice Vivrette Week Pro-Am game is set for Saturday, October 11. Even though the Senior Bulletin estimates the Center should be ready by the end of September, we will hold Pro-Am at the Ludwick Center as previously planned. (The Unit has a game scheduled for October 11 also. Pat Orlando will look into this.) We will put out sign-up sheets for the pro-am.
Trophies: It was decided to get small trophies (i.e. coffee mugs)) and put names of winners on them as well as on the large Janice Vivrette trophy. Mary Neal will take care of this.
New beginner classes: Approval was given to Kandiʼs plan to start Friday am. classes, 10:30-1:30, with ACBL paying 1/2 the cost of advertising and Kandi requesting an advertising contribution from Unit. She will use the Audrey Grant 8-lesson series and charge $80 per session. She will keep the Monday night lessons/game going and charge the Monday night participants only $4 per class for Friday lessons.
Other new business: (1) There was some discussion about having Zero Tolerance cards in bidding boxes. Dolores will check the Barclay catalog for such cards. (2) The Lompoc Sectional starts on 9/19 but we will have our own game as usual on that date. (3) We will ask Judy to confirm that the Christmas party on Friday this year is not a problem for catering from Upper Crust.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. The next meeting will be on Friday, October 3, after the game.
Respectfully submitted,
Dolores Soll, Secretary