August 1, 2008 Bridge board meeting
The meeting was called to order at 4:10. Present were Bill Ringbom, Judy Obermeier, Mary Neal, Jean Wilson, and Barbara Weiss.
The minutes from July 4th meeting were accepted.
The treasurer's report gave a bank balance of $$3,178.18 at the end of July. A loss of $437 was reported for July. The PO Box renewal was paid.
Manager's Report - Barbara Weiss addressed the declining attendance at the Wednesday night game. Possible solutions were to have someone do the calling for partners, emailing the regular players, and talk to Kandi about teaching her bridge group on Wednesday night instead of Monday - and have the 2 games going at the same time.
New Business - Pro-Am game. Did Kandi check on a location for the game? Perhaps have the game on a Saturday afternoon instead of Wednesday night?
Old Business - One or 2 people are needed for the board. Sandy Hartley will not be returning to the board due to a move to Nipomo. Will the election be on Pizza Day?
4:45 - Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Obermeier