San Luis Obispo Duplicate Bridge Club

Board Minutes for December 14, 2012


The meeting was called to order by Bill Ringbom, President, at 4:14 p.m.  Board Members, Robert Clark, Mary Neal, Jean Wilson, and Bill Ringbom were present as well as Barbara Weiss, Club Manager.  Bill Donovan, Judy Obermeier, Leda Fields were absent.


Minutes of the previous meeting were NOT reviewed.


Treasurer’s Report:  The bank balance as of November 30 was $2364.54.  Net income for November was $266.73. The month’s table count was down to 101, this reflects one Friday closure this past month.  Mary also reported our finances are in good shape, better than expected.


Club Manager’s Report:   (1) Barbara reports that cleanup helpers are in short supply. Mary Neal and Jean Wilson were the only two whom cleaned the kitchen after the Christmas party. It was suggested that a cleanup committee be formed in advance of special events in the future as it should not always just fall to the board members.  (2)  Barbara (or the club manager), in the future, will submit all results to ACBL. Directors will report results to her ASAP after each game. (3) Directors comparing unused boards to the hand records before the game should prevent erroneous prepared boards from being played again. If they do not match then shuffle and deal. (4) Scoring corrections must be submitted within 24 hours of the game. (5) Stratification of games must allow for 3 C’s in one direction, in order to qualify for points. Directors must keep this in mind regardless of movement type. (6) Miriam Middleton wants to host a “back to Bridge” luncheon for one of our games in January. (7) Team games are showing more popularity. A proposal to schedule two open team game events & one Pro/AM type team game in 2013 was approved unanimously.


Old Business: (1) Bill R. reported that the city has denied us the permission to mount the play clock on the wall. Bill R. will mount the clock on a bracket that will hang from the television stanchion and plug into the electrical receptacle on the wall. This will have to be put up & taken down after each game and stored in our cabinet. Bill R. suggested that the extra food and kitchen items not be stored in our cabinet in the main room in order to allow storage of game equipment & supplies only. (2) Bob Clark reported that the novice group would like to know why there is no “Pizza” day on Mondays (their game day). After discussion it was decided that on an irregular basis Monday “pizza day” would be scheduled for 2013.     


New Business:  None


The meeting adjourned at 4:46 p.m. The next Board meeting will be after the game on January 18, 2013.

Respectfully submitted,

Bill Ringbom, President